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. 2019 Oct 17;9(26):8026–8047. doi: 10.7150/thno.38261

Table 1.

Representative formulations for nanomedicine-mediated cancer starvation therapy described in this review.

Strategies Materials Therapeutics Administration route Treatments Tumor models Ref.
Antiangiogenesis-related cancer starvation therapy αvβ3-integrin targeted perfluorocarbon NPs Docetaxel-prodrug i.v. injection Antiangiogenesis therapy Vx2 tumor bearing rabbits 54
Chitosan NPs Ursolic acid Oral administration Antiangiogenesis therapy H22 tumor bearing mice 145
PGA-PTX-E-[c(RGDfK)2] PTX i.v. injection Antiangiogenesis therapy 4T1 tumor bearing mice 57
Recombinant human endostatin conjugated AuNPs Recombinant human endostatin Subcutaneous injection Antiangiogenesis therapy SW620 tumor bearing mice 146
MSNs Tanshinone IIA i.v. injection Antiangiogenesis therapy HT-29 tumor bearing mice 53
M-MSN@PEI-PEG-KALA NPs anti-VEGF siRNA i.v. injection Antiangiogenic gene therapy A549 tumor bearing mice 43
αvβ3-integrin-targeted lipid-encapsulated NPs Fumagillin prodrug and zoledronic acid i.v. injection Dual antiangiogenic therapy Vx2 tumor bearing rabbits 55
Thiolated-glycol chitosan formed NPs Bevacizumab and poly- anti-VEGF siRNA i.v. injection Dual antiangiogenic therapy A431 tumor bearing mice 65
Polymer-lipid hybrid NPs DOX and MMC i.v. injection Antiangiogenesis therapy and chemotherapy MDA-MB 435/LCC6/WT tumor bearing mice and MDA-MB 435/LCC6/MDR1 tumor bearing mice 34
pH and thermo-responsive MSNs DOX and MTX i.v. or oral administration Antiangiogenesis therapy and chemotherapy OSCC tumor bearing mice 62
PEGylated lipid bilayer-supported MSNs AXT and CST i.v. injection Antiangiogenesis therapy and chemotherapy SCC7 tumor bearing mice 147
MMP-2 responsive mPEG-peptide diblock copolymer (PPDC) NPs CPT and Sorafenib i.v. injection every Antiangiogenesis therapy and chemotherapy HT-29 tumor bearing mice 63
pH-sensitive poly(beta-amino ester) copolymer NPs DOX and Cur i.v. injection Antiangiogenesis therapy and chemotherapy SMMC 7721 tumor bearing mice 64
Captopril-polyethyleneimine conjugated AuNPs Captopril and siRNA i.v. injection Antiangiogenesis and gene therapy MDA-MB-435 tumor bearing mice 66
Calcium phosphate NPs anti-VEGF shRNA and yCDglyTK Intraperitoneal or intratumoral administration Antiangiogenic gene therapy and suicide gene therapy SGC7901 tumor bearing mice 67
CTX-coupled SNALP-formulated anti-miR-21 oligonucleotides CTX and anti-miR-21 i.v. or oral administration Antiangiogenesis therapy and gene therapy GBM tumor bearing mice 68
RhoJ antibody modified Au@I NPs RhoJ antibody i.v. injection Antiangiogenesis therapy and radiotherapy Patient-derived tumor xenografts 61
AuNPs anti-VEGF siRNA Intratumoral injection and laser irritation (655 nm) Antiangiogenic gene therapy and photothermal therapy PC-3 tumor bearing mice 31
Near infrared probe iron oxide NPs Bevacizumab i.v. injection Antiangiogenesis therapy and imaging 4T1 tumor bearing mice 58
Sorafenib and Ce6 formed carrier-free NPs Sorafenib and Ce6 i.v. injection and laser irritation (660 nm) Antiangiogenesis therapy and photodynamic therapy HSC3 tumor bearing mice 72
VDAs-based cancer starvation therapy
DOX-PLGA-conjugate NPs Free CA4 and DOX i.v. injection Starvation therapy and chemotherapy Lewis lung carcinoma xenografts and B16F10 tumor bearing mice 23
LyP-1 coated liposomes Free Ombrabulin and DOX i.v. injection Starvation therapy and chemotherapy MDA-MB-435 tumor bearing mice 74
Poly(L-glutamic acid)-g-mPEG NPs Free CA4P and CDDP i.v. injection Starvation therapy and chemotherapy MDA-MB-435 tumor bearing mice 75
A15-PGA-CDDP NPs Free DMXAA and CDDP i.v. injection Starvation therapy and chemotherapy C26 tumor bearing mice 42
CA4-NPs CA4 i.v. injection Starvation therapy C26 tumor bearing mice 28
mPEG-b-PHEA-DMXAA conjugate NPs DMXAA and DOX i.v. injection Starvation therapy and chemotherapy MCF-7 tumor bearing mice 76
CA4-NPs CA4 and TPZ i.v. injection Starvation therapy and chemotherapy 4T1 tumor bearing mice 27
CA4-NPs and MMP9-DOX-NPs CA4 and DOX i.v. injection Starvation therapy and chemotherapy 4T1 and C26 tumor bearing mice 78
Vascular blockade-induced cancer starvation therapy CREKA modified IONPs and CRKDKC modified iron oxide nanoworms Two tumor-homing peptide of CREKA and CRKDKC i.v. injection Starvation therapy 22Rv1 tumor bearing mice 88
DNA nanorobots Thrombin i.v. injection Starvation therapy MDA-MB-231 tumor bearing mice 26
PVP-modified Mg2Si NPs Mg2Si Intratumoral injection Starvation therapy 4T1 tumor bearing mice 11
TPZ-MNPs Mg2Si and TPZ Intratumoral injection Starvation therapy and hypoxia-activated chemotherapy 4T1 tumor bearing mice 38
GOx-mediated cancer starvation therapy GOx-MnO2@HA NPs GOx and MnO2 Intratumoral injection Starvation therapy CT-26 tumor bearing mice 98
Large pore-sized dendritic silica NPs GOx and Fe3O4 NPs Intratumoral or i.v. injection Starvation therapy and oxidation therapy 4T1 and U87 tumor xenografts 106
PEG-b-P(PBEM-co-PEM) NPs GOx and QM i.v. injection Starvation therapy and oxidation therapy A549 tumor bearing mice 101
Poly(FBMA-co-OEGMA) nanogels GOx Intratumoral injection Starvation therapy and oxidation therapy C8161 tumor bearing mice 96
Fe5C2-GOx@MnO2 NCs GOx, Fe5C2 and MnO2 i.v. injection Starvation therapy and oxidation therapy U14 and 4T1 tumor bearing mice 107
GOx-CPO@ZIF-8@NM NPs GOx and CPO i.v. injection Starvation therapy and oxidation therapy 4T1 tumor bearing mice 109
ATP-responsive GOx@ZIF@MPN NPs GOx and Fe(III)/Fe(II) Intratumoral injection e Starvation therapy and oxidation therapy 4T1 tumor bearing mice 108
FDMSNs@GOx@HA GOx and Ferrocene i.v. injection Starvation therapy and oxidation therapy HeLa tumor bearing mouse 148
GOx@PCPT-NR GOx and CPT prodrug i.v. injection Starvation therapy and chemotherapy A549 tumor bearing mice 41
Mem@GOx@ZIF-8@BDOX) NPs GOx and BDOX i.v. injection Starvation therapy and chemotherapy 4T1 tumor bearing mice 99
MSNs-GOx/PLL/HA GOx and PTX i.v. injection Starvation therapy and chemotherapy HepG2 tumor bearing mice 149
Yolk-shell tetrasulfide bond bridged dendritic MONs GOx and AQ4N Intratumoral injection o Starvation therapy and hypoxia-activated chemotherapy 4T1 tumor bearing mice 33
TGZ@eM NRs GOx and TPZ i.v. injection Starvation therapy and hypoxia-activated chemotherapy CT26 tumor bearing mice 13
HA-coated CaCO3 NPs GOx and TPZ i.v. injection Starvation therapy and hypoxia-activated chemotherapy CT26 tumor bearing mice 100
Liposomes GOx and AQ4N Intratumoral injection Starvation therapy and hypoxia-activated chemotherapy 4T1 tumor bearing mice 30
BCETPZ@(GOx+CAT) GOx, CAT and TPZ i.v. injection Starvation therapy and hypoxia-activated chemotherapy EMT-6 tumor bearing mice 94
GOx conjugated polymer dots GOx Intratumoral injection and laser irritation (460 nm) Starvation therapy and photodynamic therapy MCF-7 tumor bearing mice 115
Mem@catalase@GOx@PCN-224 bioreactor GOx, CAT and TCPP i.v. injection and laser irritation (660 nm) Starvation therapy and photodynamic therapy 4T1 tumor bearing mice 44
HMSNs GOx and Ce6 i.v. injection Starvation therapy and photodynamic therapy B16F10 metastatic tumor bearing mice 32
Hollow-MnO2-GOx-Ce6@CM GOx, MnO2 and Ce6 i.v. injection and laser irritation (655 nm) Starvation therapy and photodynamic therapy B16F10 tumor bearing mice 150
rMGB GOx, MnO2 and Ce6 i.v. injection and laser irridation (660 nm) Starvation therapy and photodynamic therapy 4T1 cancer bearing mice 120
PEGylate HA-functionalized PHPBNs GOx i.v. injection and NIR laser irritation (808 nm) Starvation therapy and photothermal therapy HepG2 tumor bearing mice 121
BSA-directed two-dimensional MnO2 nanosheet MnO2 i.v. injection and NIR laser irritation (808 nm) Starvation therapy and photothermal therapy U87MG tumor bearing mice 122
GOx-conjugated silver nanocubes GOx and Ag ions Intratumoral injection Starvation therapy and metal ion therapy 4T1 tumor bearing mice 113
HMONs L-Arg and GOx Intratumoral injection Starvation therapy and gas therapy U87MG tumor bearing mice 46
CMSNs GOx and anti-PD-1 i.v. injection Starvation therapy and immunotherapy B16F10 tumor bearing mice 47
Fe3O4@PPy@GOx NCs. GOx, Fe3O4 NPs and PPy i.v. injection and NIR laser irradiation (808 or 1064 nm) Starvation therapy, oxidation therapy and photodynamic therapy 4T1 tumor bearing mice 45
CPT@MOF(Fe)-GOx GOx, Fe3+ and CPT Intratumoral injection Starvation therapy, oxidation therapy and chemotherapy HeLa tumor bearing mice 151
MGH nanoamplifier GOx and MIL-100 i.v. injection, NIR laser irradiation (808 nm) Starvation therapy, oxidation therapy, photothermal therapy and imaging 4T1 tumor bearing mice 110
Other strategies for cancer starvation therapy HDL-AuNPs HDL i.v. injection Starvation therapy B-cell lymphoma xenografts 39
HDL-AuNPs HDL i.v. injection Starvation therapy and immunotherapy LLC tumor bearing mice and melanoma metastatic lung colonization mice model 140
CHC-PZM@HA CHC and PZM i.v. injection, laser irradiation (660 nm) Starvation therapy and photodynamic therapy CT26 tumor bearing mice 40
Mn-D@BPFe-A NPs DOX, Fe3+ Starvation therapy, chemotherapy and photodynamic therapy HepG2 tumor bearing mice 141