Have you ever heard of CRC? |
Yes |
317 (74.94) |
No |
106 (25.06) |
Have you ever heard of any screening tests that are used to detect colon cancer? |
Yes |
151 (35.78) |
No |
271 (64.22) |
If you answered yes to the previous question, what type of screening test have you heard of? |
Colonoscopy |
168 (47.59) |
Fecal testing |
69 (19.55) |
CT scan |
44 (12.46) |
X-ray |
26 (7.37) |
Blood carcinogenic test |
29 (8.22) |
Don’t know |
167 (47.31) |
When do you think CRC screening starts? |
20 |
20 (4.73) |
30 |
44 (10.40) |
50 |
84 (19.86) |
70 |
0 |
Don’t know |
275 (65.01) |
Which of the following could prevent you from performing a screening? (more than one answer is acceptable) |
Fear of colonoscopy |
111 (26.81) |
Fear of results |
60 (14.49) |
Disgust at the thought of the procedure |
15 (3.62) |
Cost of the procedure |
14 (3.38) |
Absence of symptoms |
74 (17.87) |
Nothing |
97 (23.43) |
Don’t know |
105 (25.36) |
Where does CRC rank among the most commonly occurring cancers in men in Saudi Arabia? First |
75 (17.73) |
Third |
82 (19.39) |
Seventh |
8 (1.89) |
Tenth |
4 (0.95) |
Don’t know |
254 (60.05) |
Where does CRC rank among the most commonly occurring cancers in women in Saudi Arabia? |
First |
17 (4.02) |
Third |
86 (20.33) |
Fifth |
42 (9.93) |
Seventh |
10 (2.36) |
Don’t know |
268 (63.36) |
What do you think are the symptoms of CRC? (more than one answer is acceptable) |
Blood with stool |
175 (42.07) |
Vomiting |
53 (12.74) |
Loss of appetite and weight |
121 (29.09) |
Change in bowel habits |
103 (24.76) |
Abdominal pain |
130 (31.25) |
I Don’t know |
179 (43.03) |
Do you think there are ways to prevent the occurrence or progression of CRC? |
Yes |
188 (44.44) |
No |
235 (55.56) |
Do you think that screening tests increase the likelihood of detecting colon cancer early? |
Yes |
308 (72.81) |
No |
115 (27.19) |
If your doctor recommended performing a colonoscopy, which would you prefer? |
Paying and performing colonoscopy at the earliest time possible |
302 (71.39) |
Waiting until your free appointment |
106 (25.06) |
I prefer not to answer |
15 (3.55) |
Which of the following lifestyle choices increases the risk of developing CRC (more than one answer is acceptable) |
Smoking |
244 (59.95) |
Alcohol consumption |
196 (48.16) |
Eating lots of red meat |
174 (42.75) |
Physical inactivity and decreased exercise |
167 (41.03) |
Eating foods low in fat and with lots of fiber |
70 (17.20) |
Excessive stress |
128 (31.45) |
Average weight |
29 (7.13) |
Which of the following increases the risk of CRC? (more than one answer is accepted) |
Age |
177 (43.70) |
The presence of polyps in the colon |
174 (42.96) |
Genetic mutations |
82 (20.25) |
Diabetes mellitus |
37 (9.14) |
Irritable bowel syndrome |
157 (38.77) |
Previous disease (pathology) in the colon |
160 (39.51) |
Hemorrhoids |
59 (14.57) |
Do you think CRC starts as a benign tumor (polyp)? |
Yes |
149 (35.22) |
No |
274 (64.78) |
Do you think having a family member diagnosed with CRC increases the risk of another family member developing the disease? |
Yes |
177 (41.84) |
No |
246 (58.16) |
What do you think is the best way to look for polyps in the colon? |
Colonoscopy |
187 (44.21) |
CT scan |
24 (5.67) |
X-ray |
7 (1.65) |
Clinical examination |
17 (4.02) |
Don’t know |
188 (44.44) |