Dual-label fluorescent immunohistochemistry comparing adult (P60) female (a-d) and male (e-h) AVPV/PeN CRFR1-GFP (a, e), kisspeptin (KISS) (b, f), and co-expression (c, g). (d, h) high magnification display of images c, g respectively. (i) Comparison of female and male CRFR1-GFP-ir and KISS-ir, with significant differences in the number of CRFR1-GFP-ir (F>M), KISS-ir (F>M), and co-localized cells (F>M). (j) Female versus male comparison of the percentage of CRFR1 cells that co-localize KISS, and percentage of KISS cells that co-express CRFR1 (both F>M). * indicates statistical significance (p≤0.05), data are reported as mean ± SEM. Inset boxes indicate regions that were further magnified. Arrows indicate examples of colocalized cells. N=5 per sex. 3V, third ventricle.