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. 2018 Jun 4;59(5):e424–e432. doi: 10.1093/geront/gny063

Table 2.

Associations Between Perceptions of Purpose in Life Among Care Partners and Caregivers’ Reported Caregiving Gains

Caregivers’ caregiving gains
Predictor B SE β 95% CI ΔR2
Step 1
 Intercept 3.66*** .07 3.52, 3.80 .10
 CG gender (female) −0.14 .09 −.17 −0.31, 0.03
 CG age in years −0.002 .002 −.09 −0.01, 0.003
 CG educational attainment −0.03 .02 −.13 −0.07, 0.02
 CG relationship to PWD (spouse) 0.13 .12 .16 −0.11, 0.37
 CG chronic health conditions −0.02 .03 −.05 −0.08, 0.05
 CG ADL/IADL assistance −0.004 .01 −.03 −0.03, 0.02
 CG medical care activities 0.03** .01 .24 0.01, 0.05
 CG role overload −0.07 .06 −.11 −0.19, 0.05
 CG negative caregiving RQ −0.03 .05 −.05 −0.13, 0.07
 PWD chronic health conditions −0.01 .03 −.03 −0.07, 0.05
Step 2 .04
 CG purpose in life 0.09** .03 .14 0.02, 0.15
 PWD purpose in life 0.09 .05 .14 −0.02, 0.20
Step 3 .04
 CG purpose in life × CG gender 0.07 .09 .07 −0.11, 0.25
 PWD purpose in life × CG gender 0.23** .09 .30 0.06, 0.41
Total R2 .18

Note: N = 153 family caregivers. Estimates are presented from each step of the model. ADL/IADL = activities of daily living and independent activities of daily living; CG = caregiver; CI = confidence interval; PWD = person with dementia; RQ = relationship quality.

**p ≤ .01. *** p ≤ .001.