A) Dose curves for the protective effect of Retro-2 against ricin cytotoxicity in HeLa cells expressing either shRNAs targeting ASNA1 or scrambled negative controls. Cells are pretreated with the indicated drug concentration, then treated with ricin for 24 hr. Ricin was washed out and cells were imaged for 72 hr on an Incucyte. Confluency of cells was calculated using phase images and is presented as 100 minus the percent confluency. (
B) Dose curves for DHQZ36.1 relative to Retro-2. Cells were treated and imaged as above. (
C) Additional confocal images of HeLa cells expressing either ASNA1-targeting or scrambled control (shCtrl) shRNAs, treated with DMSO, 10 µM Retro-2 or 3 µM DHQZ36.1, which were used for quantitative analysis in
Figure 3b. Cells were fixed and imaged as in
Figure 3a. Scale bar represents 25 µm and applies to all images.