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. 2019 Nov 12;9(11):e028105. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2018-028105

Table 1.

Summary of measurements collected for the adjunct studies conducted in JECS-A

Main items Sub-cohort covered Timing of measurement
A1 A2 A3 B C Prenatal (trimester) Postnatal (months after birth)
First Second/third 1 6  18  24  36
Pregnant women
Risk and confounding factors
 Sociodemographic Age, maternal age, marital status, household income, education level
 Lifestyle Smoking, secondhand smoking, drinking habits, dietary status, sleeping habits
 Psychological and psychiatric TAS-20
Readiness of Parenthood Scale
 Obstetric History of pregnancy, infertility treatment, prenatal diagnosis and gestational duration
 Biomonitoring data Urine (up to 50 mL, mothers only), parental blood (up to 1.5 mL), cord blood (up to 1.5 mL)
Risk and confounding factors
 Demographic Height, weight, BMI, sex
 Behavioural Neonatal oral–motor assessment
 Childcare Breast feeding and weaning food status
 Psychological and psychiatric Mary Rothbart's Temperament Questionnaires
 Biomonitoring data Overnight urine extracted from disposable diapers (up to 30 mL)
 Anthropometric data 2D:4D
Outcome examples to be analysed

Sub - cohort A1, agreement on the adjunct questionnaire survey only; s ub - cohort A2, agreement on the adjunct questionnaire survey and provision of mother’s biological specimen (blood and urine); s ub - cohort A3, agreement on the adjunct questionnaire survey and provision of mother’s biological specimen (blood and urine) with genetic analyses; s ub - cohort B, informed consent obtained from guardians (legally acceptable representatives) for anthropometry measurement on child hands; s ub - cohort C, informed consent obtained from guardians (legally acceptable representatives) for provision of child’s biological specimen.

○: Refer to the main study of the JECS.

●: Measurements conducted solely in the JECS-A.

ADHD, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder; ASD, autism spectrum disorder;BMI, body mass index; DCDQ, Developmental Coordination Disorder Questionnaire; 2D:4D, the second to fourth digit ratio; ECBQ-SF, Early Childhood Behavior Questionnaire Short Form; IBQ-R-SF, The Infant Behavior Questionnaire Revised Short Form;JECS, Japan Environment and Children’s Study; JECS-A, The Aichi regional sub-cohort of the Japan Environment and Children’s Study; LBW, low birth weight; POMS-SF, Short form of the Profile of Mood States; TAS-20, the 20-item Toronto Alexithymia Scale.