Fig. 3.
Relationship between climatic predictors and mammal trophic structures. a Tree model relating climate predictors and trophic structures and splitting them into a cold (left) and warm (right) branch. b Plot of observed trophic structures against the climate space defined by the two variables best explaining the cold branch (Mean annual temperature < 17.6 °C). c The same as b but using predicted rather than observed trophic structures. d The same as b, but in the space defined by the two variables best explaining the warm branch (mean annual temperature ≥ 17.6 °C). e The same as d, but using predicted rather than observed trophic structures. Dots in panels b, c, d, and e are cells on the world map. Capital letters in panels b, c, d, and e correspond to the final groups in panel a. Br Boreal, Tm Temperate, SA Semi-arid, ST Seasonal tropical, HT Humid tropical, Dp Depauperate. Isothermality = Mean diurnal range temperature/temperature annual range, Temperature Seasonality = The amount of temperature variation over a given period based on the standard deviation of monthly temperature averages