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. 2019 Aug 24;42(12):1393–1407. doi: 10.1007/s40264-019-00858-7

Table 1.

Proposed classification of social media data by potential value to pharmacovigilance

Area Value proposition Examples
Reporting and communication

Direct interaction between interested parties

Increased awareness on part of the MAH, HA patient

Provides tools to report ADRs—company product websites, Medwatch, Yellow Card

Sharing experiences and practices: communities of HCPs; communities of patients

Two-way communication: risk communication; information sharing

Signal detection

Find rare events not often reported through spontaneous reporting to HAs and pharma companies

Find medical side effects earlier than in other systems across a broad spectrum

Alleviate underreporting known to occur in spontaneous systems

Primary signal detection tool alongside traditional (spontaneous) sources, across all products and events
Niche PV in pre-specified areas

Find new information in specific niche areas underrepresented in current monitoring systems

May be used as a primary tool for safety signal detection in certain pre-defined narrow areas (in contrast to broad-based safety monitoring across all products/events where social media are not value-added)

Exposure during pregnancy



Low exposure, e.g., orphan drugs

Signal evaluation

Use for strengthening of hypotheses emerging from other systems

Provide additional insight into safety issues identified through other means

Ad-hoc inspection of social media posts after a safety signal has been found in other sources
Quality of life Find areas of patient and HCP concern that are not necessarily medically serious, but that have a significant impact on quality of life



Depressed mood

ADR adverse drug reaction, HA Health Authority, HCP health care provider, MAH Marketing Authorisation Holder, PV pharmacovigilance