Figure 7.
RTD-1 promotes survival and fungal clearance in systemic MDR candidiasis. (a) Efficacy of RTD-1 in C. albicans 53264 candidiasis. CD-1 mice infected i.v. with 1.8 × 107 blastospores of C. albicans 53264 were treated i.p. with 5 mg/kg of RTD-1 (n = 10), Fluco (n = 10), Caspo (n = 10), or saline vehicle (n = 14) daily for 7 d beginning 24 h p.i. and monitored for 40 days. Log-rank test analysis demonstrated that each agent enhances survival compared to saline controls, with RTD-1 having the greatest efficacy (see Suppl. Table 1). (b) Clearance of C. albicans in long term survivors. Long term survivors (40 days) from each cohort in panel (a) were euthanized and kidney fungal burdens quantified, as were saline-treated moribund mice (M) euthanized between 5 and 24 d p.i. CFU/g (geometric means with 95% CI) were plotted for each treatment cohort and analyzed by Fisher’s LSD test.