cells adhere more extensively to fibronectin, collagen I,
and collagen IV. ATDC5 cells were screened with extracellular matrix
array printed with collagen I (COL I), collagen III (COL III), collagen
IV (COL IV), collagen V (COL V), collagen VI (COL VI), fibronectin
(FN), vitronectin (VTN), laminin (LMN), tropoelastin (TE), and BSA
as a negative control. (A) Representative bright-field images of ATDC5
cells incubated for 30 h indicated differential binding of a number
of extracellular proteins. Scale bar: 40 μm. (B) Attached cell
counts determined for each of the nine replicates, as well as mean
and standard deviation are shown (n = 9).