Figure 3 ∣. Serum urate shows widespread genetic correlations with cardio-metabolic risk factors and diseases.
The Circos plot shows significant genome-wide genetic correlations between serum urate and 214 complex traits or diseases (genetic correlation P < 6.6 × 10−5 = 0.05/748 traits tested), with bar height proportional to the genetic correlation coefficient (rg) estimate for each trait and coloring according to its direction (dark blue, rg > 0; light blue, rg < 0). Traits and diseases are labeled on the outside of the plot and grouped into nine different categories. Each category is color-coded (inner ring, inset). The greatest genetic correlation was observed with gout (rg = 0.92, P = 3.3 × 10−70). Genetic correlations with multiple cardio-metabolic risk factors and diseases reflect their known directions from observational studies. The serum urate association statistics for estimating genetic correlations were from the European-ancestry meta-analysis (n = 288,649).