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. 2019 Nov 12;12:3079–3098. doi: 10.2147/JPR.S210594

Table 9.

Logistic Regression Of Baseline Predictors Of High Pain Intensity Trajectory Group (Referent Group Is No-To-Mild Pain Intensity Trajectory)

Odds 95% Confidence Interval P-Value
Lower Upper
Functional disability 1.053 1.019 1.089 0.002
Non-pain-related anxiety 1.002 0.966 1.039 0.908
Pain-related anxiety and worry 1.001 0.974 1.030 0.925
Depression 0.995 0.960 1.031 0.778
Post-traumatic stress symptoms 1.019 0.991 1.049 0.190
Cumulative 5-day opioid consumption 1.002 1.001 1.003 0.001
Sexa 1.673 0.874 3.203 0.121

Note: aReference category for sex is male.