Fig. 1.
Weight gain and fluid consumption across 21 sessions of alcohol exposure in the home-cage in Charles River (filled symbols) and Harlan (open symbols) rats. In each session rats received access to both 15% ethanol and water via two bottles in the home-cage for 24 hrs. Data represent mean (± SEM) values obtained from each session. Panels on the left depict data from Experiment 1 (Charles River, n=18; Harlan, n=19), whereas panels on the right depict data from Experiment 2 (Charles River, n=18; Harlan, n=21). Dependent measures shown include body weight in grams (a and b), water and ethanol consumption in milliliters (c and d), ethanol intake in grams of ethanol consumed per kilogram of bodyweight (e and f), and ethanol preference which is calculated as the percentage of total fluid consumption that is accounted for by ethanol (g and h)