A, A cartoon depiction of the treatment scheme for the schedule (left) and position of implantation and viral injection (right). s.c.: subcutaneously; i.t.: intratumorally. B, Representative bioluminescent images of mice treated with PBS or Delta-24-RGDOX at indicated time points. C, Spider plots of the tumor bioluminescence in the mice from the indicated treatment groups. D, Survival plots of the treatment groups (n = 9). E, Survival plots Delta-24-RGDOX treatment survivors after being first re-challenged with B16F10 Red-FLuc (left panel, n = 4) and then CMT64 (right panel, n = 4) cells. D24-RGDOX: Delta-24-RGDOX; NS: not significant (P ≥ 0.05); *P < 0.01, log-rank test.