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. 2019 Nov 16;17:193. doi: 10.1186/s12957-019-1733-2

Table 1.

Clinical characteristics of stage I to III endometrial cancer patients stratified by lymph node status

Characteristics Total N = 874 LNM P value
N = 792 (90.62)
N = 82 (9.38)
Age at surgery (years) 53.58 ± 0.40 53.74 ± 0.42 51.79 ± 1.53 0.24
Pathological type 0.01
 Endometrioid 760 (86.96) 702 (88.64) 58 (70.73)
 Non-endometroid 114 (13.04) 90 (11.36) 24 (29.27)
FIGO stage < 0.01
 I 570 (65.22) 570 (71.97) 0
 II 212 (24.26) 212 (26.77) 0
 III 92 (10.52) 10 (1.26) 82 (100)
Tumor grade 0.04
 1 240 (27.46) 224 (28.28) 16 (19.51)
 2 438 (50.14) 398 (50.25) 34 (41.46)
 3 196 (22.40) 170 (21.57) 32 (39.03)
Myometrial invasion < 0.01
 < 50% 586 (67.05) 548 (69.19) 38 (46.34)
 ≥ 50% 288 (32.95) 244 (30.81) 44 (53.66)
Primary tumor diameter 0.26
 < 2 100 (11.44) 96 (12.12) 4 (4.88)
 ≥ 2 774 (88.36) 696 (87.88) 78 (95.12)
Cervical stromal invasion < 0.01
 No 604 (69.11) 576 (72.73) 28 (34.15)
 Yes 270 (30.89) 216 (27.17) 54 (65.85)
LVSI < 0.01
 No 736 (84.21) 716 (90.40) 48 (58.54)
 Yes 138 (15.79) 76 (9.60) 34 (41.46)
Ascites 0.49
 No 736 (84.21) 670 (84.60) 66 (80.49)
 Yes 138 (15.79) 122 (15.40) 16 (19.51)
Ovarian metastasis < 0.01
 No 850 (97.25) 782 (98.74) 68 (82.93)
 Yes 24 (2.75) 10 (1.26) 14 (17.07)
Preoperative CA125 24.45 (27.70) 23.19 (26.52) 41.53 (56.46) < 0.01
Lymphadenectomy 0.61
 Only pelvic 530 (60.64) 478 (60.35) 52 (63.41)
 Pelvic + paraaortic 320 (36.61) 294 (37.12) 26 (31.71)
 Paraaortic sampling 24 (2.75) 20 (2.53) 4 (4.88)
Median number of LNs removed, n (range) 13 (10–65) 13 (10–65) 13 (10–33) 0.83
 Number of pelvic LNs removed 13 (10–46) 13 (10–46) 11 (10–33) 0.17
 Number of paraoartic LNs removed 3 (0–23) 3 (0–23) 3 (0–11) 0.11
Lymph node metastasis
 Pelvic LN metastasis only 74 (90.24)
 PALN metastasis only 0
 Pelvic and PALN metastasis 8 (9.76)
Status < 0.01
 Alive 790 (90.39) 748 (94.44) 42 (51.22)
 Died 84 (9.61) 44 (5.56) 40 (48.78)
 Follow-up, month (range) 59.3 (5–108.5) 59.5 (5–108.5) 56.6 (8.3–108) 0.96
Adjuvant therapy 0.03
 No 748 (85.58) 690 (87.12) 58 (70.73)
Chemotherapy only 94 (10.76) 74 (9.34) 20 (24.39)
Radiotherapy only 28 (3.20) 24 (3.03) 4 (4.88)
Both 4 (0.46) 4 (0.51) 0

LVSI lymphovascular space invasion, FIGO international federation of gynecology and obstetrics. Values for continuous variables are mean ± standard deviation. Values for categorical variables are number (percentage). LNs lymph nodes, PALN para-aortic lymph node

A P value < 0.05 was considered to be statistically significant