Chronic pancreatitis |
Permanent structural damage of ducts and parenchyma |
Cystic fibrosis |
Dysfunctional pancreatic secretion secondary to CFTR mutations |
Main pancreatic duct obstruction |
Decreased secretion of pancreatic enzymes |
Pancreatic resection |
Decreased secretion of pancreatic enzymes |
Gastric resection |
Decreased hormonal stimulation, rapid transit, inadequate mixing of chyme with pancreatic enzymes |
Short bowel syndrome |
Decreased hormonal stimulation, rapid transit, inadequate mixing of chyme with pancreatic enzymes |
Hereditary hemochromatosis |
Iron deposition in the pancreas |
Celiac disease |
Small bowel mucosal disease leads to decreased CCK mediated pancreatic stimulation |
Zollinger-Ellison syndrome |
Gastrinoma causes inactivation of pancreatic enzymes via increased gastric acid |