Extended Data Figure 6. Cross-linking mass spectrometry analysis of the CCAN and CCAN–Cenp-ANuc complexes.
a, b, Circular plots displaying all the identified cross-links for CCAN (a) and CCAN–Cenp-ANuc (b). Inter- and intra-subunit cross-links are indicated in red and blue, respectively c, d, Histogram plots showing the Cα-Cα distance distribution of the cross-links that could be mapped onto the CCAN (c), and CCAN–Cenp-ANuc structures (d). 95% of the mapped cross-links satisfy the cross-linker imposed distance restraint of 30 Å indicated with a dashed red line. e, f, Cross-links mapped onto the CCAN (e) and CCAN–Cenp-ANuc complex (f). Inter and intra-subunit cross-links are indicated in red and blue, respectively. Cross-links exceeding the cross-linker imposed distance restraint of 30 Å are indicated in yellow. g, Residues on CCAN shown by XL-MS that cross-link with Cenp-C are indicated on the CCAN structure. Red spheres: cross-links in the CCAN–Cenp-ANuc complex. Yellow spheres: additional cross-links unique to apo CCAN. The experiments shown in a and b were performed independently in triplicate with similar results.