Fig. 6.
Genetically variable human PM20D1 expression in adipose and other tissues. (A) Expression of PM20D1 was measured by qPCR in subcutaneous WAT biopsies from 50 individuals, divided based on their genotype at SNP rs823080. Pairwise P values calculated by 2-tailed type 2 Student’s t-test. (B) DNA methylation near the PM20D1 start site was assayed by bisulfite pyrosequencing in a subset of these biopsies (n = 6 per genotype, *P < 0.01 versus A/A, ^P < 0.01 versus G/G by student’s t-test). (C) In the cultured adipocytes from 26 individuals, the rosiglitazone (rosi) response of PM20D1 (in this scatterplot relative to the control gene FABP4) is reduced by the A allele at this expression SNP (eSNP), as well as the C allele at the PPRE SNP. (D) Either minor allele predicts low response of PM20D1 to rosiglitazone. Contingency P value by 2-sided Fisher’s exact test.