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. 2019 Nov 18;8(11):giz136. doi: 10.1093/gigascience/giz136

Table 1:

Summary of Trochodendron aralioides genome assembly and annotation

Parameter Draft scaffolds Chromosome-length scaffolds based on Hi-C
Genome assembly
 Length of genome (bp) 1,623,741,898 1,530,107,441
 Number of contigs 4,226 2,744
 Contigs N50 (bp) 702,251 740,603
 Number of scaffolds 1,469 19
 Scaffold N50 (bp) 3,938,440 73,365,148
 Genome coverage (X) 278.34 398.07
 Number of contigs (>100 kb) 3,062 2,744
 Total length of contigs (>100 kb) 1,567,464,199 1,523,319,687
 Mapping rate of contigs 0.9779
Genome annotation
 Protein-coding gene number 35,328
 Mean transcript length (kb) 10,622.49
 Mean exons per gene 5.09
 Mean exon length (bp) 232.46
 Mean intron length (bp) 2,308.46