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. 2019 Jun 7;15(4):e12837. doi: 10.1111/mcn.12837

Table 4.

Associations of maternal antenatal intentions (Infant Feeding Intentions Scale) for infant feeding

β coefficient SE P 95% CI
Constant 4.46 3.85 .252 −3.23, 12.15
Maternal BMIa
Overweight −.164 0.646 .801 −1.45, 1.13
Obese .101 0.741 .892 −1.38, 1.58
College −2.51 1.59 .119 −5.68, 0.663
University (UG) −.684 1.51 .653 −3.70, 2.34
University (PG) −.332 1.51 .827 −3.35, 2.69
Marital statusc
Married 3.58 1.85 .057 −0.115, 7.27
Cohabiting with partner 3.03 1.98 .131 −0.920, 6.97
Partnered; not cohabiting 2.24 2.99 .456 −3.72, 8.20
Maternal age −.094 0.068 .174 −0.230, 0.042
IMD‐10 −.211 0.107 .053 −0.426, 0.003
Previous breastfeeding .019 0.007 .010* 0.005, 0.033
Previous formula feeding −.023 0.008 .005* −0.039, −0.007
Attitudes (IIFAS) .145 0.030 <.001* 0.084, 0.205

Note. Regression model was adjusted for confounds correlating with IFIS scores: maternal age; marital status; IMD‐10; education; previous breastfeeding experience; and previous formula‐feeding experience. β coefficient = unstandardized β coefficient.

Abbreviations: BMI, body mass index; CI, confidence interval; IIFAS, Iowa Infant Feeding Attitude Scale; IMD, Index of Multiple Deprivation; PG, postgraduate; SE, standard error; UG, undergraduate.


Healthy weight as reference category.


Secondary education as reference category.


Single as reference category.


Significant at α = .05 level.