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. 2019 Jun 7;15(4):e12837. doi: 10.1111/mcn.12837

Table 5.

Associations of early infant feeding practices (breastfeeding in the last 48 hr)

β coefficient SE P 95% CI
Constant 58.66 38.72 .144 −21.64, 138.97
Marital statusa
Cohabiting with partner −7.74 8.93 .395 −26.27, 10.78
Previous experience breastfeeding .017 0.094 .857 −0.178, 0.212
Previous experience formula feeding −.080 0.092 .395 −0.272, 0.111
Baby birthweight 7.88 6.48 .237 −5.55, 21.31
Maternal BMI
Overweight 8.55 8.28 .313 −8.63, 25.72
Obese .195 7.99 .981 −16.37, 16.76
Attitudes (IIFAS) −.755 0.517 .158 −1.83, 0.317
Intentions (IFIS) 4.18 1.89 .038* 0.264, 8.09

Note. Regression model was adjusted for confounds correlating with infant feeding practices in the most recent 48 hr: marital status, previous experience with breastfeeding, previous experience with formula feeding, and baby birthweight. β coefficient = unstandardized beta coefficient.

Abbreviations: BMI, body mass index; CI, confidence interval; IFIS, Infant Feeding Intentions Scale; IIFAS, Iowa Infant Feeding Attitude Scale; SE, standard error.


Married as reference category.


Significant at α = .05 level.