Table 5.
Frustration regarding inconsistent professional clinical advice (theme 5)
Theme 5: Participant Comments |
‘My OB wasn't very in tune with me about breastfeeding because all I saw her for was my six partum … but I was seeing the lactation consultant who gave me similar advice to supplement and she also told me to pump just to get in my milk supply’ (Participant 1, Group 1). |
‘In the hospital they told me to pump to get my milk going and then I had the home healthcare nurse come four days later to check on me and I told her I was pumping and she looked at me she's like, “Why are you pumping?” I was like, “That's what they told me” … She said, “That's going to cause your milk to increase too much and you're going to get engorged,” and that's exactly what happened … My boobs would get really engorged and I would be leaking all the time and I didn't understand why … she said, ‘Don't pump for the first month like you were told because it [is] going to produce too much milk’ (Participant 4, Group 2). |
‘I had another consultant tell me I shouldn't be pumping until a certain‐, until I reached a certain number of weeks which I didn't understand because someone else was telling me to pump so I was kind of confused’ (Participant 34, Group 6). |
‘I got sort of conflicting messages at the hospital so I kind of left not really knowing how to solve this problem …’ (Participant 39, Group 7). |