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. 2012 Oct 1;11(2):146–163. doi: 10.1111/mcn.12006

Table 5.

Measure of compliance by the personnel assessed by frequency of measuring haemoglobin (Selective iron group) and given iron and folic acid (Routine iron group) during subsequent visits, by group and centre

Subsequent visit after enrolment All 1o de Maio study centre Machava study centre
n = 4326 n = 2749 n = 1577
Selective iron* Routine iron Selective iron* Routine iron Selective iron* Routine iron
n = 2142 n = 2184 n = 1366 n = 1383 n = 776 n = 801
First subsequent visit, n (%) 1455 (68) 1494 (68) 938 (69) 965 (70) 517 (67) 529 (66)
Haemoglobin measured, n (%) §
HemoCue 1416 (97) 156 (10) 919 (98) 142 (15) 497 (96) 14 (3)
Iron given, n (%) § 493 (34) 1460 (98) 320 (34) 948 (98) 173 (33) 512 (97)
Folic acid only given, n (%) § 946 (65) 29 (2) 603 (64) 11 (1) 343 (66) 18 (3)
Second subsequent visit, n (%) 1040 (49) 1106 (51) 618 (45) 677 (49) 422 (54) 429 (54)
Haemoglobin measured, n (%) §
HemoCue 1000 (96) 66 (6) 618 (100) 52 (8) 396 (94) 14 (3)
Iron given, n (%) § 350 (34) 1090 (99) 210 (34) 670 (99) 140 (33) 420 (98)
Folic acid only given, n (%) § 671 (65) 16 (1) 392 (63) 7 (1) 279 (66) 9 (2)
Third subsequent visit, n (%) 694 (33) 720 (33) 398 (29) 412 (30) 296 (38) 308 (38)
Haemoglobin measured, n (%) §
HemoCue 673 (97) 16 (2) 389 (98) 9 (2) 284 (96) 7 (2)
Iron given, n (%) § 185 (27) 707 (98) 110 (28) 405 (98) 75 (25) 302 (98)
Folic acid only given, n (%) § 495 (71) 13 (2) 277 (70) 6 (1) 218 (74) 7 (2)

*Daily intake of 400 μg of folic acid and received iron (120 mg) if their haemoglobin was <9 g/dL. Daily intake of 60 mg of ferrous sulphate plus 400 μg of folic acid. Frequency and percentage of women at recruitment who attended subsequent visits. §The denominator is the number of those who attended at each subsequent visit.