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. 2010 Sep 21;6(Suppl 2):55–83. doi: 10.1111/j.1740-8709.2010.00262.x

Table 7.

Comparison of reference values for fat soluble vitamins for infants and methods used to estimate requirements

Range between countries Method on which estimated requirements is based
3 m 9 m Younger infants Older infants
Method Country Method Country
Vitamin A 350–500 mcg/d 300–600 mcg/d Usual intakes from breast milk DACH, WHO/FAO, the Netherlands Based on usual intakes from breast milk DACH
Intakes considered sufficient to build and maintain sufficient liver stores United Kingdom Extrapolated from adult requirements by using metabolic body weight and growth factors NNR
Considered sufficient to build and maintain sufficient liver stores WHO/FAO, United Kingdom, EC
Vitamin D 5–22.5 mcg/d 5–22.5 mcg/d Vitamin D intakes sufficient to maintain plasma 25‐OHD levels within a range considered to support adequate bone health DACH, WHO/FAO, United Kingdom, the Netherlands Vitamin D intakes sufficient to maintain plasma 25‐OHD levels within a range considered to support adequate bone health DACH, WHO/FAO, United Kingdom, EC, the Netherlands
Took into account additional intakes showing to have maximal effect in linear growth according to supplementation studies in infants NNR
Vitamin E 2.7–6 mg/d 2.7–6 mg/d Based on vitamin E content of breast milk Derived from adult values on an energy allowance basis France
Consider vitamin E intake in relation to PUFA intake