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Table 1.

Questionnaire template and answers

Question Answers Non‐regional (n = 48) Regional (n = 19) P‐value
 1. Median (range) number of cots  15 (8–32)  23 (18–40)
 2. Median (range) of admissions per year 250 (250–500) 480 (220–850)
 3. Do you have a written policy on feeding preterm infants? Yes  26 (54%)   7 (37%) 0.564
No  21 (44%)   9 (47%)
 4. Does the unit have input from a dietitian on a regular basis? Yes  25 (52%)  12 (63%) 0.760
No  12 (25%)   5 (26%)
 5. How do you usually feed a preterm infant <28 weeks initially? Nasogastric tube  31 (65%)  18 (95%) 0.100
Orogastric tube  13 (27%)   8 (42%)
Transpyloric   1 (2%)   0 (0%)
 6. When do you usually start feeding on infants <28 weeks’ gestation? 0–2 days  17 (35%)  12 (63%) 0.176
3–4 days  16 (33%)   4 (21%)
4–6 days   2 (4%)   1 (5%)
 7. Is enteral feeding on your preterm infants bolus or continuous? Bolus  41 (85%)  13 (68%) 0.067
Continuous   6 (13%)   6 (31%)
 8. What milk initially does your unit usually feed preterm infants? Mothers’ own EBM  41 (85%)  17 (89%) 0.105
Banked EBM   6 (13%)   4 (21%)
Preterm formula  13 (27%)   1 (5%)
Term infant formula   0 (0%)   1 (5%)
Hydrosylate   1 (2%)   0 (0%)
 9. How quickly do you increase the volume of feeds on average for an infant <28 weeks’ gestation establishing feeding?  0–10 mL kg−1 day−1  14 (29%)   5 (26%) 0.334
11–20 mL kg−1 day−1   9 (19%)   1 (5%)
21–30 mL kg−1 day−1  14 (29%)   2 (11%)
>30 mL kg−1 day−1   0 (0%)   2 (11%)
10. Once feeding is established, what are the final feed volumes given per day? 100–149 mL kg−1day−1   0 (0%)   0 (0%) 0.785
150–170 mL kg−1 day−1  19 (40%)   9 (47%)
≥171 mL kg−1 day−1  23 (48%)   8 (42%)
11. If you change from a preterm formula to a normal infant formula, does this depend on the weight or gestation of the infant? Weight  40 (83%)  13 (68%) 0.267
Gestation   6 (13%)   2 (11%) 1.000
12. Does your unit use a breastmilk fortifier? Yes  46 (96%)  16 (84%) 0.050
No   2 (4%)   4 (21%)
13. Which breastmilk fortifier do you commonly use? SMA Breastmilk Fortifier   8 (17%)   2 (11%) 0.210
Milupa Eoprotein   7 (15%)   5 (26%)
Cow & Gate Nutriprem  35 (73%)   7 (37%)
14. Why do you offer this particular milk fortifier? Contract  14 (29%)   3 (16%) 0.743
Composition  14 (29%)   5 (26%)
Tolerance  12 (25%)   2 (11%)
Other   8 (17%)   6 (32%)
15. Do you delay the introduction of breastmilk fortifier until 2 weeks after delivery date? Yes  16 (33%)   1 (5%) 0.230
No  24 (50%)   7 (37%)
16. Do you supplement all preterm infants routinely with vitamins, etc. if they are receiving breastmilk with no fortifier? Yes  47 (98%)  19 (100%) 1.000
No   1 (2%)   0 (0%)
17. Do you supplement all preterm infants routinely if they are receiving formula (either preterm, standard or hydrolysate)? Yes  42 (88%)  17 (89%) 1.000
No   6 (12%)   2 (11%)
18. Do you supplement preterm infants routinely if they are receiving nutrient‐enriched postdischarge formula/or a high‐energy formula? Yes  29 (60%)  12 (63%) 1.000
No  12 (25%)   6 (32%)
19. How do you monitor the preterm infant’s growth/weight status? Daily weights  20 (42%)  13 (68%) 0.014
Calorie counts (kcal kg−1 day−1)   6 (13%)  11 (58%) <0.001
Weekly lengths  21 (44%)   6 (32%) 1.000
Weekly head circumferences  33 (69%)  15 (79%) 0.382
Growth charts  37 (77%)  11 (58%) 0.075
20. Does your unit have access to a speech and language therapist? Yes  42 (88%)  17 (89%) 1.000
No   6 (12%)   2 (11%)
21. Do you have a written policy to encourage non‐nutritive sucking, e.g. offering the breast, a bottle, dummy? Yes  24 (50%)   8 (42%) 1.000
No  21 (44%)   9 (47%)
22. What form of non‐nutritive sucking do you encourage? The breast  35 (73%)  14 (74%) 1.000
A bottle   6 (13%)   0 (0%) 0.173
A dummy  35 (73%)  13 (68%) 0.768
23. Does your unit routinely use the following for feeding preterm infants when they are discharged from hospital? Breastmilk  48 (100%)  19 (100%) 0.082
Postdischarge formula e.g.  21 (44%)   6 (32%) 0.176
Cow & Gate Nutriprem 2
High‐energy formula e.g. SMA  14 (29%)   4 (21%) 0.551
High Energy, Nutricia Infatrini
Term infant formula  38 (79%)  13 (68%) 0.169
24. Do you find that reflux is a problem for preterm infants once discharged from SCBU? Yes  27 (56%)  11 (58%) 1.000
No  13 (27%)   6 (32%)
25. If yes, do you use any of the following to help manage the reflux? Feed thickener additive, e.g. Carobel, Nestergel  21 (44%)   9 (47%) 1.000
Thickened term formula, e.g. Enfamil AR  16 (33%)   4 (21%) 0.255
Medication, e.g. Gaviscon  30 (63%)  13 (68%) 1.000
26. When do you advise mothers to start weaning their preterm infants? 0–3 months   0 (0%)   0 (0%) 0.587
4–6 months  41 (85%)  16 (84%)
7–9 months   2 (4%)   0 (0%)
27. What would you recommend mothers to wean their preterm infants onto initially? Pure baby rice  43 (90%)  16 (84%) 0.678
Vegetable purees   8 (17%)   3 (16%) 1.000
Fruit purees   5 (10%)   2 (11%) 1.000

EBM, expressed breastmilk; SCBU, Special Care Baby Unit.