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. 2010 Sep 21;6(Suppl 2):5–22. doi: 10.1111/j.1740-8709.2010.00269.x

Table 2.

The biological role and the reliable biomarkers or indicators of status of micronutrients of considerable public health significance

Micronutrient Function Indicators of status References
Folate Involvement in the DNA cycle (cell replication); methylation cycle (aminoacids cysteine and methionine cycle) Erythrocyte folate ; serum/plasma folate ; serum/plasma total homocysteine WHO/FAO 2004; McNulty & Scott 2008
Vitamin B12 Conversion of homocysteine to methionine as cofactor of the methionine synthase Serum/plasma vitamin B12 ; serum/plasma methylmalonic acid (MMA) Ryan‐Harshman & Aldoori 2008; Hoey et al. 2009
Vitamin A Growth and differentiation of a number of cells and tissues Serum retinol Ross 2006
Vitamin D Bone resorption, intestinal calcium transport (calcium and bone homeostasis), modulation of transcription of cell cycle proteins, and cell‐differentiating, anti‐inflammatory and immunomodulatory properties Plasma 25‐hydroxyvitamin‐D [25(OH)D] WHO/FAO 2004
Iodine Synthesis of thyroid hormones Urinary Iodine excretion in 24 h ; serum thyroid‐stimulating hormone (TSH) WHO/FAO 2004; Zimmerman 2008; Ristic‐Medic et al. 2009
Iron Haematopoiesis; nucleic acid metabolism; carrier of oxygen to the tissues by red blood cell haemoglobin; transport medium for electrons within cells; integrated part of important enzyme systems Haemoglobin ; serum ferritin ; serum transferrin receptor WHO/FAO 2004; Wood & Ronnenberg, 2006; Zimmerman 2008
Zinc Structural, regulatory and catalytic functions as cofactor for numerous metalloenzymes Plasma/serum zinc ; prevalence of inadequate intakes of dietary zinc McCall et al. 2000; Lowe et al. 2009
Selenium Protection of body tissues against oxidative stress, maintenance of defences against infection, and modulation of growth and development Plasma/serum selenium ; platelet or erythrocyte selenium ; selenium‐related proteins WHO/FAO 2004; Sunde et al. 2008

Indicators of status were taken from a table compiled by the Biomarkers of Status Working Party, which comprised a group of international micronutrient experts and EURRECA partners (Fairweather‐Tait 2008), and successive updates. Biomarkers reported here are those rated Excellent or Good according to a star rating used to classify the range of biomarkers available for each mineral/vitamin in relation to the limitations of the method.

Also reviewed in ‘Biomarkers of status/exposure. Minerals and vitamins’. RA1.2 Status Methods/IA3 Individuality, Vulnerability and Variability. July, 2008; ‘BIOMARKERS OF STATUS/EXPOSURE. Iron, Zinc, Vitamin A, Vitamin B12, Folate, Iodine & Selenium’. RA1.2 Status Methods/IA3 Individuality, Vulnerability and Variability. February, 2010 (