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Table 1.

Summary of papers included: child nutrition

Authors (year) Location Study design Age range n P‐ or S‐BI BI/IPI categories Outcomes assessed Control for confounders Findings Quality score (1–5)
Aerts et al. (2004) Brazil CS <5 years 3 355 P‐BI S‐BI <24; ≥24 months Stunting Maternal age, education, parity, socio‐economic status, employment, child age, sex, gestational age, birthweight, child care Stunting more likely with P‐BI <24 months (AOR = 1.69; CI 1.13–2.53) and with S‐BI <24 months (AOR = 1.91; CI 1.16–3.13) 3
Afifi (1985) Egypt P‐Coh <1 year 162 P‐BI <2; 2–3; >3 years Four growth ‘factors’: growth velocity, size factor, length, soft/ bony tissue Maternal age, education, social sanitary index, maternal height; infant sex, age of solid‐food introduction. (NR: child age) Previous BI positively associated with overall size factor, but not with growth velocity, soft/bony tissue or infant length factors 3
Bertrand et al. (1988) Zaire CS <5 years 2 038 P‐BI <24; >24 months HAZ, WAZ, WHZ, wasting, stunting, underweight Maternal age, parity, family income, housing type and quality, BF after BI (current yes/no), child sex and age No association between BI and HAZ or WHZ; association with WAZ was marginally significant 4
Boerma & Bicego (1992) 17 DHS: Bolivia, Brazil, Burundi, Colombia, Dom. Rep., Egypt, Ghana, Guatemala, Mali, Morocco, Senegal, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Togo, Tunisia, Uganda, Zimbabwe CS <24 months Varies by site P‐BI <24; 24–35; ≥36 months Stunting, underweight Maternal age and education, parity, household assets, floor material; infant sex, child age Stunting: BI < 24 months at higher risk in 1/17 countries (Zimbabwe, RR 1.47) and lower in 1 country (Dom. Rep, RR 0.72); BI ≥ 36 months at lower risk in 5/17 countries (Morocco, RR 0.70; Tunisia, RR 0.56; Sri Lanka RR 0.68; Colombia, RR 0.50; Dom. Rep., RR 0.46). Underweight: BI < 24 months at higher risk in 2/17 countries (Ghana, RR 1.54; Thailand, RR 1.60). BI ≥ 36 months at lower risk in 1/17 countries (Dom. Republic, RR 0.38). (confidence intervals not reported) 3
Bøhler et al. (1995) Bhutan P‐Coh and CC (subsequent pregnancy within 18–30 months vs. not) <36 months 86 S‐IPI 18–30; >30 months Growth velocity during first 6 months of subsequent pregnancy (P‐Coh); WAZ, MUAC, weight gain (CC) Maternal age, education, parity, father’s occupation, arable land owned; CC subjects matched for child age. (NR: child sex) No association between subsequent IPI and growth velocity in cohort study. In case–control study, lower weight gain & greater risk of low MUAC found in children whose mothers became pregnant. Weight gain difference most apparent during 1st trimester of pregnancy 3
Bøhler (1996) Bhutan (follow‐up to 1995 study) P‐Coh and CC ∼4.5 years 76 (P‐Coh); 66 (CC) S‐BI 18–30; >30 months; also as continuous variable WAZ, HAZ, WHZ, MUAC Maternal age, parity, father’s occupation, arable land owned, previous BI. (NR: child age) No association between subsequent BI and any of the anthropometric outcomes. Case–control study yielded same results as regression analysis 4
Clark (1992) Guatemala CS <1 year 301 P‐IPI ≤12; >12 months Weight change (0–12, 0–6, 6–12 months) Maternal age, parity, income, height, BF duration after BI, infant sex, initial weight. (NR: child age) Short previous IPI associated with decreased growth from 0–12 and 0–6 months, but no association with growth from 6–12 months 5
Fletcher et al. (1992) Jamaica CC 6–48 months 612 P‐BI <24; ≥24 months Underweight (<80% median weight for age) Prenatal care, household possessions, birthweight. (NR: maternal age, education, parity, child sex and age) BI < 24 months associated with greater risk of underweight (AOR = 1.8; CI 1.02–3.21) 3
Goldberg (1985) Senegal CS 2–4 years 979 P‐BI S‐BI ≤24; >24 months WHZ, HAZ Prenatal care, maternal age, parity, dwelling type, husband’s occupation, ethnicity, child sex Short (≤24 months) previous BI associated with greater risk of low HAZ (AOR = 2.4), but not associated with low WHZ. Short subsequent BI associated with lower risk of low HAZ (AOR = 0.26), but not associated with low WHZ. (confidence intervals not reported) 2
Huttly et al. (1992) Brazil CS ∼19 months 3 587 P‐BI <18; 18–23;
>71 months WHZ and HAZ Maternal age, education, parity, income, race, child age. (NR: child sex, gestational age) Previous BI positively associated with WHZ and HAZ. Same trend when limiting analysis to those with gestational age data 3
Madzingira (1995) Zimbabwe – DHS CS 3–60 months No information P‐BI Continuous WAZ, HAZ, WHZ Maternal education, parity, income, sanitation, BF duration after BI, child age, birthweight Previous BI not associated with any of the anthropometric outcomes 4
Mozumder et al. (2000) Bangladesh CS 6–39 months 1 887 P‐BI & S‐BI P: none, ≤18;
≥49 months
S: none;
≥37 months Low weight for age (<60% and <70% of NCHS median) Maternal age, education, parity, housing unit area, child age, sex, diarrhoea Short subsequent BI (≤24 vs. >25 months) associated with greater risk of low weight for age (OR 1.6; CI 1.09–2.23). Previous BI not associated with low weight for age 3
Rajaram et al. (2003) India CS <5 years 7 473 P‐BI <24;
≥48 months Stunting, wasting, underweight Maternal age, education, parity, rural/urban, source of lighting, child age, sex No association between BI and stunting or wasting. In one region, underweight less likely with BI ≥ 48 months (OR = 0.46; CI 0.29–0.74) 3
Ricci & Becker (1996) Philippines CS <30 months 14 189 P‐BI <24;
≥24 months Stunting, wasting Prenatal care, household possessions, house materials, maternal age, education, BF after BI (current yes/no), child age, sex, birthweight BI < 24 months associated with higher risk of stunting in 3 age intervals (0–5, 6–11, 12–29 months) and both urban and rural locations (AOR 1.13–1.67). BI not associated with wasting. (confidence intervals not reported) 3
Roy (2000) Bangladesh P‐Coh <5 years 8 881 P‐BI S‐BI None; <24;
≥24 months Low MUAC (<−3 SD) Maternal education, family dwelling space, religion, BF duration after BI, child sex, diarrhoea Previous BI: no association with MUAC. Subsequent BI: lower risk of low MUAC with BI ≥ 24 months (AOR 0.83; CI 0.70–0.99) 2
Russell (1976) Guatemala P‐Coh <5 years 643 P‐BI
S‐BI 12–17;
≥42 months Height at 3 years, interpolated from growth curves Parity, parental height, child sex. (NR: child age) Subsequent BI positively associated with height. Previous BI positively associated with height only in males 3
Rutstein (2005) 14 DHS: Bangladesh, Bolivia, Cote d’Ivoire, Egypt, Ghana, Guatemala, India, Indonesia, Kenya, Morocco, Nepal, Nigeria, Peru, Philippines, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia CS <5 years or <4 years or <3 years (depending on country) 94 376 P‐BI <18;
≥60 months Stunting, wasting, underweight Maternal age, education, urban/rural, socio‐economic status, parity, prenatal care, wantedness of pregnancy, child age, sex, breastfeeding Stunting less likely with longer BI in 6 countries (Bangladesh, Guatemala, India, Kenya, Peru, Zambia) and underweight less likely with longer BI in 6 countries (Bolivia, Guatemala, India, Kenya, Nigeria, Peru). No association of BI with wasting 4
Sekiyama & Ohtsuka (2005) Indonesia CS 5–12 years 310 P‐BI Continuous HAZ, WAZ Maternal age, education, parity, height, weight, socio‐economic status, healthcare utilization, child age, sex, birthweight BI positively associated with HAZ and WAZ 4
Som et al. (2006) India CS <3 years 1 789 P‐BI <24;
≥48 months Stunting, wasting, underweight Maternal age, education, parity, socio‐economic status, ethnicity, urban/rural, child age, sex No consistent association between BI and stunting, wasting or underweight 2
Sommerfelt (1991) 19 DHS (17 also reported by Boerma & Bicego) CS 3–36 months Varies by site P‐BI None; <24;
>47 months HAZ Maternal education, parity, household assets, sanitation, child sex, child age No association between HAZ and previous BI in Nigeria or Trinidad and Tobago* 3
Thaver et al. (1990) Pakistan CS <1 year 211 P‐BI <24;
>24 months Underweight (not defined) Prenatal care, maternal age, parity, housing type and materials, family possessions, mortality of previous sibling, BF duration after BI, child age Short BI not associated with underweight 4
Thuita et al. (2005) Kenya CS 6–36 months 347 P‐BI Continuous HAZ, WAZ, WHZ Maternal age, education, parity, socio‐economic status, employment, BMI, prenatal care, child sex BI positively associated with WAZ but not HAZ or WHZ 2

AOR, adjusted odds ratio; BF, breastfed; BI, birth interval (P‐BI, previous birth interval; S‐BI, subsequent birth interval); CC, case–control; CI, 95% confidence interval; CS, cross‐sectional; DHS, Demographic and Health Surveys; Dom. Rep., Dominican Republic; HAZ, height‐for‐age z‐score; IPI, interpregnancy interval; MUAC, mid‐upper arm circumference; NCHS, National Center for Health Statistics; NR, not relevant (not a confounder); OR, odds ratio; P‐Coh, prospective cohort; RR, relative risk; Stunting, HAZ < −2; Underweight, WAZ < −2; Wasting, WHZ < −2; WAZ, weight‐for‐age z‐score; WHZ, weight‐for‐height z‐score; *Results from the 17 other countries were reported in the Boerma & Bicego paper.