Table 4.
Deterministic sensitivity analyses and scenario analysis results
Label | Low-dose comparison | High-dose comparison | |||||
Semaglutide 0.5 mg vs. dulaglutide 0.75 mg | Semaglutide 1.0 mg vs. dulaglutide 1.5 mg | ||||||
Incremental total cost, CAN$ | Incremental total QALYs | ICER | Incremental total cost, CAN$ | Incremental total QALYs | ICER | ||
Base-case | Assuming 3-year treatment duration, then discontinuation of initial treatments; HbA1c and BMI remain at the level attained | − 403 | 0.04 | Dominant | − 711 | 0.05 | Dominant |
Scenario analysis | Assuming HbA1c ‘drifts’ upward at a rate of 0.14% per year, with GLP-1RA treatment discontinued and insulin treatment initiated when patients drift up to the HbA1c threshold of 8% | 1977 | 0.35 | 5585 | 1305 | 0.40 | 3296 |
DSA1 | Change in HbA1c is the only difference in efficacy between treatments: all other effect parameters are set to zero | − 432 | 0.02 | Dominant | − 427 | 0.02 | Dominant |
DSA2 | Only statistically significantly different treatment effects from the trials are included in the simulation | − 501 | 0.03 | Dominant | − 386 | 0.04 | Dominant |
DSA3 | The UKPDS 68 risk equations are used instead of UKPDS 82 | − 603 | 0.04 | Dominant | − 733 | 0.06 | Dominant |
DSA4 | 20-year time horizon | − 413 | 0.03 | Dominant | − 666 | 0.04 | Dominant |
DSA5 | 10-year time horizon | − 303 | 0.02 | Dominant | − 415 | 0.02 | Dominant |
DSA6 | The differences in BMI between treatments are assumed to be maintained throughout the patient’s lifetime | − 533 | 0.13 | Dominant | − 913 | 0.16 | Dominant |
DSA7 | The upper 95% CI for change in HbA1c is used in the semaglutide arm | − 514 | 0.04 | Dominant | − 830 | 0.06 | Dominant |
DSA8 | The lower 95% CI for change in HbA1c is used in the semaglutide arm | − 289 | 0.03 | Dominant | − 581 | 0.05 | Dominant |
DSA9 | The upper 95% CI for change in BMI is used in the semaglutide arm | − 410 | 0.04 | Dominant | − 718 | 0.07 | Dominant |
DSA10 | The lower 95% CI for change in BMI is used in the semaglutide arm | − 400 | 0.02 | Dominant | − 705 | 0.05 | Dominant |
DSA11 | Cost of complications assumed to be 10% higher | − 427 | 0.04 | Dominant | − 770 | 0.05 | Dominant |
DSA12 | Cost of complications assumed to be 10% lower | − 379 | 0.04 | Dominant | − 667 | 0.05 | Dominant |
DSA13 | Cost of drugs + 10% | − 401 | 0.04 | Dominant | − 710 | 0.05 | Dominant |
DSA14 | Cost of drugs − 10% | − 405 | 0.04 | Dominant | − 722 | 0.05 | Dominant |
DSA15 | No explicit insulin-treatment effects assumed; patients’ HbA1c levels remain at 8.0% following upward ‘drift’ to this threshold | 1561 | 0.36 | 4397 | 905 | 0.38 | 2397 |
BMI body mass index, CI confidence interval, CAN$ Canadian dollars, DSA deterministic sensitivity analysis, GLP-1RA glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonist, HbA1c glycated hemoglobin, ICER incremental cost-effectiveness ratio, QALY quality-adjusted life-year, UKPDS United Kingdom Prospective Diabetes Study