Figure 1.
Distribution of PrRP and GPR10. Ellipses represent distinct brain areas (blue—nucleus accumbens, grey—corpus callosum, green—hippocampus, red—thalamus, orange—hypothalamus, yellow—pituitary, violet—parabrachial nucleus, light green—medulla oblongata). Stars mark the expression of mRNA (red star—PrRP, black star—GPR10). Spots represent the distribution of PrRP (red), GPR10 (black) cell bodies and fibers. AP: area postrema, C: cerebral cortex, CC: corpus callosum, CE: cerebellum, DMN: dorsomedial hypothalamic nucleus, HB: hindbrain, HIPP: hippocampus, HYP: hypothalamus, LHA: lateral hypothalamic area, ME: medulla oblongata, MIB: midbrain, NAc: nucleus accumbens, NTS: nucleus of the solitary tract, OF: olfactory bulb, P: pituitary, PB: parabrachial nucleus, PEVN: periventricular hypothalamic nucleus, PVN: paraventricular hypothalamic nucleus, RT: reticular nucleus of the thalamus, SON: supraoptic nucleus, SLM: stratum lacunosum-moleculare, TH: thalamus, VMN: ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus, VRT: ventrolateral reticular nucleus of the thalamus.