Body Functions |
b440 |
Respiration functions |
x |
x |
x |
60.00 |
b4400 |
Respiration rate |
x |
20.00 |
b4401 |
Respiratory rhythm |
x |
20.00 |
b4408 |
Respiration functions, other specified |
x |
20.00 |
b710 |
Mobility of joint functions |
x |
x |
40.00 |
b730 |
Muscle power functions |
x |
x |
40.00 |
b755 |
Involuntary movement reaction functions |
x |
x |
40.00 |
Activities and participation |
d410 |
Changing basic body position |
x |
x |
x |
x |
80.00 |
d4100 |
Lying down |
x |
x |
x |
60.00 |
d4103 |
Sitting |
x |
20.00 |
d4104 |
Standing |
x |
x |
40.00 |
d4105 |
Bending |
x |
20.00 |
d415 |
Maintaining a body position |
x |
x |
x |
60.00 |
d4150 |
Maintaining a lying position |
x |
20.00 |
d4153 |
Maintaining a sitting position |
x |
x |
x |
60.00 |
d4154 |
Maintaining a standing position |
x |
x |
x |
60.00 |
d420 |
Transferring oneself |
x |
x |
40.00 |
d435 |
Moving objects with lower extremities |
x |
20.00 |
d4351 |
Kicking |
x |
x |
40.00 |
d440 |
Fine hand use |
x |
x |
40.00 |
d4401 |
Grasping |
x |
x |
x |
x |
80.00 |
d445 |
Hand and arm use |
x |
x |
x |
60.00 |
d4451 |
Pushing |
x |
20.00 |
d4452 |
Reaching |
x |
20.00 |
d446 |
Fine foot use |
x |
20.00 |
d455 |
Moving around |
x |
x |
40.00 |
d4551 |
Climbing |
x |
20.00 |
d4554 |
Swimming |
x |
x |
x |
x |
80.00 |
d460 |
Moving around in different locations |
x |
x |
40.00 |
d465 |
Moving around using equipment |
x |
x |
40.00 |
d920 |
Play |
x |
20.00 |
Environmental context |
e110 |
Products or substances for personal consumption |
x |
20.00 |
e115 |
Products and technology for personal use in daily living |
x |
20.00 |
e450 |
Individual attitudes of health professionals |
x |
20.00 |
e580 |
Health services, systems and policies |
x |
20.00 |