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. 2019 Oct 24;20(21):5298. doi: 10.3390/ijms20215298

Table 2.

Various functions of CPKs in biotic and abiotic stresses in different plant species.

Sr. # Specie Name Gene Function Reference
1 Arabidopsis thaliana AtCPK1 Cellular homeostasis, resistance fungal elicitor. [76,78,114,115,116]
2 AtCPK3 Salt resistance. [117,118]
3 AtCPK4 Regulate ABA-regulatory transcription factors (e.g., ABF, ABF4, drought resistance). [98]
4 AtCPK5 Regulate immunity responses, ROS-dependent cell-to-cell communication. [78]
5 AtCPK6 Drought tolerance, ABA-dependent osmotic adjustment. [119]
6 AtCPK8 Drought tolerance through interaction with protein CAT3. [97,109]
7 AtCPK9 Regulate the ABA-dependent signaling pathway interacting with CPK33. [75]
8 AtCPK10 Drought responsiveness, ABA-mediated stomatal movements. [106]
9 AtCPK11 Phosphorylation of AtDi19, ABA signaling. [120]
10 AtCPK12 Seed germination, activation of ABA regulators. [72,121]
11 AtCPK16 Root-gravitropism phosphorylate AtACS7. [122]
12 AtCPK21 Hyperosmotic adjustments. [123]
13 AtCPK23 Salt stress, drought stress. [124]
14 AtCPK27 Salinity resistance, H2O2 and ionic homeostasis. [125]
15 AtCPK28 Vascular development, stem elongation, ethylene synthesis, lignin deposition. [81,82]
16 AtCPK32 ABA-regulatory gene activation. [126]
17 AtCPK33 Regulates flowering, biosynthesis of florigen and flowering locus T protein. [127]
18 Cicer areitinum
CaCPK1 Salt stress, drought stress, phytohormones, and defense signaling pathways. [110]
19 CaCPK2
20 Capsicum annuum
CaCPK3 Pathogen resistance, defense functioning (i.e., regulates jasmonic and salicylic acid), ethephon. [79]
21 Fragaria x ananassa
(Garden strawberry)
FaCPK1 low-temperature tolerance, fruit ripening. [128]
22 Medicago sativa
MsCPK3 Heat stress resistance, embryogenesis. [129]
23 Oryza sativa
OsCPK1 Drought stress, seed germination, and GA biosynthesis. [111]
24 OsCPK4 Microbial-associated immunity, OsRLCK176 degradation. [130]
25 OsCDPK5 Fungal attacks phosphorylate OsERG1 and OsERG3. [131]
26 OsCPK9 Drought stress tolerance, ABA sensitivity spikelet fertility. [71]
27 OsCPK10 Pseudomonas syringae pv resistance, SA and JA regulator. [132]
28 OsCPK12 Salt tolerance, blast disease resistance, induce ROS production, leaf senescence, [1,133]
29 OsCDPK13 Regulate cold, salt, dehydration responses. [134]
30 OsCPK17 Cold stress interacts with sucrose synthase and plasma membrane intrinsic proteins. [135]
31 OsCPK21 Salt tolerance, ABA pathway activation. [136]
32 OsCPK24 Cold stress tolerance, inhibition of OsGrx10. [74]
33 OsCPK31 Starch accumulation, early grain filling. [137]
34 Nicotiana tabacum
NtCPK1 Signaling localization for repression of shoot growth, GA biosynthesis. [138]
35 NtCPK2 Biotic stress immunity. [139]
36 NtCPK32 Pollen tube growth interacts with CNGC18. [83]
37 Hevea brasiliensis
(Rubber tree)
HbCDPK1 Latex biosynthesis, rubber production. [84]
38 Panax ginseng
(Chinese ginseng)
PgCDPK1a Regulate ginseng growth. [85]
39 Phalaenopsis amabilis
(Moth orchid)
PaCPK1 Cold stress sensitivity, wounding, pathogen attack. [86]
40 Triticum aestivum
TaCDPK1 Regulate metabolic and developmental pathways. [91]
41 TaCPK7 Drought stress, salt stress, ABA signaling pathway. [112]
42 TaCPK12
43 Zingiber officinale
ZoCDPK1 Salinity and drought stress tolerance. [113]
44 Zea mays
ZmCPK1 Cold stress regulates ZmERF3 expression. [33]
45 ZmCPK4 Upregulate ABA-regulatory components (i.e., ABI5, ABF3 and RAB18) with MAPKs. [87]
46 ZmCPK11 Superoxide dismutase and ascorbate peroxidase production, ABA pathway. [103]
47 Vigna radiata
(Mung bean)
VrCPK1 Salt stress tolerance. [140]
48 Vicia faba
(Broad bean)
VfCPK1 Drought stress resistance. [108]
49 Solanum lycopersicum
SlCDPK2 Flowering. [141]
50 SlCDPK10 Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae and Pseudomonas syringae resistance.
51 SlCDPK18 Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae and Pseudomonas syringae resistance. [60]
52 Solanum tuberosum
StCPK1 Tuber formation. [142]
53 StCPK4 Fungal pathogen resistance, ROS production. [143]
54 StCDPK5 Blight resistance and susceptibility, ROS defense functioning. [100]
55 StCDPK7 Resistance against Phytophthora infestans. [77]
56 Nicotiana attenuate
(Coyote tobacco)
NaCDPK4 Wound-induced jasmonic acid (JA) accumulation, insect resistance. [80]
57 NaCDPK5
58 Camellia sinensis
(Tea plant)
CsCDPK20 High-temperature stress resistance. [144]
59 CsCDPK26
60 Hordeum vulgare (Barley) HvCPK3 Resistance against powdery mildew. [145]
61 HvCPK4
62 Brassica napus
(Oilseed rape)
BnaCPK2 ROS accumulation, cell death. [2]
63 Musa acuminate (Banana) MaCDPK7 Heat-induced fruit ripening, chilling, stress tolerance. [146]
64 MaCDPK2 Sensitive to Foc-TR4 infection, biotic stress tolerance. [147]
65 MaCDPK4 Sensitive to Foc-TR4 infection, biotic stress tolerance.
66 MaCDPK3 Responsive for drought, cold, and salinity.
67 Vitis amurensis
VaCPK1 Salt stress, heat-responsiveness, stilbene bio-synthesis. [89,148]
68 VaCPK26 Salt stress, Stilbene bio-synthesis, through the induced expression of stilbene synthase (STS) genes. [89,148]
69 VaCPK20 Drought stress, cold stress. [107]
70 VaCPK21 Salt stress signaling. [149]
71 Pharbitis nil
PnCPK1 Seed germination, seedling growth, flowering, regulation of light-dependent pathways, embryogenesis. [90]
72 Populus euphratica (Desert poplar) PeCPK10 Drought and cold stress tolerance, ABA-responsive genes regulator. [150]
73 Cucumis melo
(Hami melon)
HmCDPK2 Resistance against Penicillium infection. [151]