Fig. 1.
SIRT4 expression is downregulated in human HCC tissues, and the expression of SIRT4 in HCC peritumour tissues was positively associated with HCC survival. a Immunohistochemical staining was utilized to examine SIRT4 expression in HCC tumour tissues and matched peritumour tissues (magnification at × 40 and × 200). b Immunohistochemical scores of SIRT4 expression in HCC tumour tissues and peritumour tissues (* P < 0.05). c Western blot analysis of SIRT4 in HCC tissues and matched peritumour tissues. Equal protein loading was confirmed using GAPDH as a control. d The mRNA level of SIRT4 in HCC tissues and peritumour tissues (* P < 0.05). e The Kaplan–Meier survival curve showing the correlation between SIRT4 expression in tumour tissues and survival of HCC patients (p = 0.133), 1: low SIRT4 expression, 2: high SIRT4 expression. f The Kaplan–Meier survival curve demonstrated the correlation between SIRT4 expression in peritumour tissues and survival of HCC patients (p = 0.015), 1: low SIRT4 expression, 2: high SIRT4 expression