Extended Data Fig. 1 |. Purification of STING and TBK1, and characterization of their interaction.
a, Binding between purified human STING and TBK1. Tsi3-tagged TBK1 was captured by Tse3-conjugated beads. Pull down of STING by TBK1 was assessed by western blot. STING-Δtail, STING(1–343). b, Both human and chicken STING are able to induce phosphorylation of human TBK1 in cells. HeLa-C9 cells with undetectable endogenous STING were used to generate cell lines that stably express human STING–Flag or chicken STING–Flag. Cells were stimulated with cGAMP (1 μM) and analysed for TBK1 phosphorylation by immunoblotting. c, Gel filtration chromatography of the hybrid complex between chicken STING and human TBK1. Data are representative of two independent experiments.