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. 2019 Oct 3;37(Suppl 1):A85–A87. doi: 10.1016/j.vaccine.2018.10.014

Table 2.

Overview of key changes in the 2018 update of the WHO rabies vaccine position paper.

Topic 2010 position paper 2018 position paper
PEP regimen duration 3–4 weeks
4–5 visits
1–2 weeks
3–4 visits
PrEP regimen duration 3–4 weeks
3 visits
1 week
2 visits
Vaccine dose PEP ID: 0.8 ml
IM: 5 ml
ID: 0.6 ml
IM: 4 ml
RIG infiltration mode Full calculated volume in and around wound. Residual volume IM, at distant site. In and around wound only, up to maximum calculated volume. No IM administration.
RIG allocation All category III exposures High risk category III exposures