Figure 1. Crystal Structure of Human AC in Covalent Complex with the Carmofur Fatty Acid Moiety.
(A) Ribbon diagram (α-subunit in magenta, β-subunit in cyan) of the covalent complex. The inhibitor fatty acid moiety is shown in yellow sticks. The side chains of N-glycosylated Asn173, Asn259, Asn286, and Asn342 are shown in cyan sticks and modeled sugar units are shown in orange sticks. One disulfide bond, Cys31-Cys340, is shown in yellow. The N- and C-termini are labeled. (B) Superposition of the covalent complex (cyan) and apo-form of AC (magenta) crystal structures. The two structures are superimposed by aligning all Cα atoms of β-subunits and are presented as cartoon diagrams.