Fig. 3.
Quantification of collagen IV proteolysis by wild-type SCs and NF1 PN cell lines. A. Indicated cell populations were grown in rBM that incorporates DQ-collagen IV for six days. B. Indicated cell populations were grown in rBM:collagen I that incorporates DQ-collagen IV for six days. Data are box-and-whisker plots of either four (A) or two (B) experiments and show the degradation of the collagen IV in the matrix (green fluorescence) corrected to the cell number as assayed by structure volume (RFP: see Fig. S2). Statistical analysis of the results revealed that the proteolytic activities of the three PN cell lines grown in rBM were significantly higher (p < 0.05) when compared to both wild-type cells. When grown in rBM:collagen I, PN cell line ipNF95.11b C-RFP continues to show significantly (p < 0.05) higher proteolysis. The other two PN lines demonstrate the same trend for enhanced proteolysis although the increases compared to the control lines do not reach statistical significance. 02.8 = ipn02.8-RFP, 97.4 = ipn97.4-RFP, 95.6 = ipNF95.6-RFP, 95.11b C = ipNF95.11b C-RFP, 95.112b C/T = ipNF95.11b C/T-RFP.