Histological sections of the trachea, kidney, ovary, and testis of 12-day-old SPF chicks from the non-challenged group (CONPR03—A, C, E, and G) and challenged with the IBVPR03 group (IBVPR03—B, D, F, and H), respectively. (A) and (B) Tracheas with preserved epithelia, cilia, and glands in the CONPR03 and IBVPR03 groups. (C) Kidney with structures preserved in CONPR03 and (D) interstitial mononuclear infiltrate (interstitial nephritis) in IBVPR03. (E) Ovary with follicles preserved with no inflammatory infiltrate in CONPR03 and (F) ovary in IBVPR03 displaying mononuclear infiltrate, destruction of follicles, and micro-bleeds. (G) Preserved seminiferous tubules with no inflammatory infiltrate in CONPR03 and (H) testis from IBVPR03 with diffuse heterophilic infiltrate with some mononuclear cells, tubular degeneration, and vascular congestion. H&E. Bar = 100 μm