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. 2019 Apr 11;50(3):817–824. doi: 10.1007/s42770-019-00073-7

Fig. 1.

Fig. 1

Distance tree derived from 16S rDNA gene sequences. The tree was constructed with MEGA 6.0 (bootstraps = 1000), using the Kimura 2-parameter method (K2P + G). The rate variation among sites was modeled using a gamma distribution (shape parameter = 105). Bootstrap values are indicated as percentages. Twenty-one Lm isolates obtained from pork loin samples and inert surfaces in addition to 19 reference sequences were used to build the tree. NJ neighbor joining. 10B Lm represents 10 isolates of Lm with identical sequences (1-3 Lm, 7 Lm, 7-1 Lm, 10 Lm, 11 Lm, 12 Lm, 13 Lm, 17 Lm, 19 Lm, and 20 Lm). (a) indicates a subgroup inside the Lm branch of the tree