Fig. 7.
Stability profile of rHCMV-1 in three candidate formulations after storage at 4 °C for up to 30 days as compared to rHCMV-1 in TNS and HNS buffers. A) Log loss in rHCMV-1 titer as a function of storage time at 4 °C over 30 days, and (B) the stability data with axes enlarged through the first 3 days of incubation. The rHCMV-1 stock was diluted 1:100 into each formulation, samples were stressed as indicated, and assayed by IE-FFA (stability samples were frozen at −80 °C prior to titration). The log loss was calculated by subtracting the log (titer) of the respective −80 °C control samples in the same formulations from the log (titer) of the experimental sample. Stability data are an average of four measurements and the error bars represent the standard deviation.