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. 2019 Nov 19;14(11):e0224865. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0224865

Table 2. Descriptive statistics of demographic and study variables between completers and non-completers.

n = 341
Non-completers from T1 to T2
n = 129
Non-completers from T2 to T3
n = 78
Age (SD) 33.83 (11.84) 33.19 (9.22) 33.74 (10.98) .002
Men (%) 51.6 41.9 46.2 .52
Marital status (%) .005
 Single 57.2 51.2 69.2
 Married 32.0 45.0 20.5
 Separated/Divorced 9.7 3.9 10.3
 Widowed 1.2 0 0
Education (%) .81
 Below high school 1.2 0.8 0
 High school or equivalent 20.2 25.6 20.5
 Bachelor’s degree 19.4 19.4 23.1
 Above Bachelor’s 48.7 45.0 42.3
 Other 10.6 9.3 14.1
Income Level (%) .28
 Under $30,000 42.8 34.1 39.7
 $30,001–$50,000 28.2 31.0 35.9
 Over $50,000 29.0 34.9 24.4
Past History of Depression (%) 56.9 58.1 62.8 .60
PHQ-8 total score, T1 6.84 (6.46) 7.91 (6.63) 9.06 (7.42) .02
IUS total score, T1 33.37 (11.47) 32.74 (10.33) 34.55 (12.61) .53
RRS total score, T1 44.19 (14.84) 46.39 (15.57) 49.24 (15.58) .02

Notes. IUS = Intolerance of Uncertain Scale; PHQ-8 = Patient Health Questionnaire– 8 Items; RRS = Ruminative Response Scale; T1 = Baseline measure; T2 = 1-month follow-up; T3 = 2-month follow up.