Figure 8. Modulation of aqueous outflow facility in ex-vivo mouse eyes perfused with LPC, ATX and ATX inhibitor.
To determine the effects of LPC, ATX and ATX inhibitor on aqueous outflow facility, changes in aqueous outflow facility were assessed in the enucleated mouse eyes perfused with LPC, LPC plus ATX or ATX inhibitor and compared to contralateral eyes perfused with vehicle alone, using an iPerfusion system as described in Methods section. A). Perfusion of eyes with LPC (3 μM) led to a significant decrease of aqueous outflow facility by ~20% (4.4 ±0.3 nl/min/mmHg) compared to eyes perfused with vehicle (5.7±0.4 nl/min/mmHg). C). Eyes perfused with LPC (3 μM) plus ATX (2 μg/ml, recombinant mouse) exhibited a significant and approximately ~30% reduction in aqueous outflow facility (3.8±0.4 nl/min/mmHg) relative to vehicle controls (5.7±0.4 nl/min/mmHg). E). Eyes perfused with ATX inhibitor (ATX-A, 1 μM) alone exhibited a significant increase in aqueous outflow facility (by ~60%; 7.1±0.6 nl/min/mmHg) compared to vehicle controls (4.3±0.2 nl/min/mmHg). Data in panels A, C and E represent the median with the 5% and 95% quartile range, statistical significance was assessed using a Mann Whitney U test. Data in B, D, and F panels represent the percentage change (mean ± SD) in aqueous outflow facility in response to the treatments described. N = 9 for each of the perfusion treatments described including vehicle perfusion.