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. 2019 Nov 19;9:17090. doi: 10.1038/s41598-019-53556-w

Table 1.

Relationship between demographic, clinical characteristics and MCA with and without additional infarct.

Factors Total (n = 137) Subtotal MCA (n = 28) Co MCA (n = 52) Subtotal MCAAI (n = 25) Co MCAAI (n = 32) P-value
Age 47.88 ± 11.00 45.14 ± 10.99 47.88 ± 10.30 48.28 ± 8.06 49.97 ± 13.76 0.236
   <55years 104(75.9%) 25(89.3) 41(78.8) 20(80.0) 18(56.3) 0.019
   ≥ 55 years 33(24.1%) 3(10.7) 11(21.2) 5(20.0) 14(43.8)
Gender 0.313
   Male 111 (81.0%) 24(85.7) 38(73.1)) 22(88.0) 27(84.4)
   Female 26 (19.0) 4 (14.3) 14 (26.9) 3(12.0) 5(15.6)
Risk Factors
Hypertension 63 (46.0) 15 (53.6) 19 (36.5) 13(52.0) 16(50.0) 0.378
Diabetes 47 (34.3) 10 (35.7) 14 (26.9) 7(28.0) 16(50.0) 0.156
Dyslipidemia 50 (36.5) 9 (32.1) 20 (38.5) 9(36.0) 12(37.5) 0.954
CAD 30 (21.9) 5 (17.9) 10 (19.2) 6(24.0) 9(28.1) 0.735
Atrial Fibrillation 13 (9.5) 3 (10.7) 2 (3.8) 4(16.0) 4(12.5) 0.315
CHF 12 (8.8) 2 (7.1) 3 (5.8) 3(12.0) 4(12.5) 0.668
Arrival Time (hours) 4.49 ± 5.38 4.52 ± 5.23 5.52 ± 6.38 4.17 ± 5.47 3.05 ± 2.97 0.482
Uncal Herniation on CT 92(67.2) 2(7.1) 52(100.0) 6(24.0) 32(100.0) <0.001
Subfalcine Herniation on CT 39(28.5) 6(21.4) 14(26.9) 7(28.0) 12(37.5) 0.567
Comatose 83(60.6) 17(60.7) 32(61.5) 14(56.0) 20(62.5) 0.962
Pupillary abnormality 27(19.7) 2(7.1) 10(19.2) 4(16.0) 11(34.4) 0.061
Bilateral Babinski 83(60.6) 15(53.6) 33(63.5) 15(60.0) 20(62.5) 0.847
Herniation time from onset 0.009
   <24 hours 29(21.2) 1(3.6) 14(26.9) 4(16.0) 10(31.3)
   24-<48 hours 51(37.2) 6(21.4) 18(34.6) 14(56.0) 13(40.6)
   48-<72 hours 30(21.9) 11(39.3) 12(23.1) 3(12.0) 4(12.5)
   ≥72 hours 27(19.7) 10(35.7) 8(15.4) 4(16.0) 5(15.6)
SP displacement last CT ≥ 1 cm 81(59.1) 16(57.1) 28(53.8) 15(60.0) 22(68.8) 0.598
CT time to MIV (hr.) 58.06 ± 55.79 85.58 ± 84.96 48.44 ± 32.40 47.25 ± 31.90 58.05 ± 62.60 0.044
MIV (cm3) 367.7 ± 119.44 304.9 ± 97.15 367.7 ± 113.7 347.6 ± 110.5 438.2 ± 120.9 <0.001
DHC Time
   ≤48 hours 54 (39.4%) 3(10.7%) 21(40.4%) 11(44.0) 19(59.4) 0.002
   >48 hours 83 (60.6%) 25(89.3%) 31(59.6%) 14(56.0) 13(40.6)
Centers involved
Doha- Qatar Dubai-UAE 88[64.2%] 18 [63.45%] 34[65.4%] 18[72.0%] 18[56.3%]
Doha- Qatar 39[28.5%] 8 [28.6%] 12[23.1%] 6[24.0%] 13[40.6%]
I Islamabad-Pakistan 10[7.37] 2 [7.1%] 6[11.5%] 1[4.0%] 1[3.1%]
Prognosis at three month
Favorable (mRS0–3) 34(24.8) 14(50.0) 19(36.5) 1(4.0) 0 <0.001
Unfavorable (mRS 4–6) 103|(75.2) 14(50.0) 33(63.5) 24(96.0) 32(100.0)
Favorable (mRS0–4) 84(61.3) 28(100.0) 35(67.3) 11(44.0) 10(31.3) <0.001
Unfavorable (mRS 5–6) 53|(38.7) 0 17(32.7) 14(56.0) 22(68.8)
30 Day Mortality 23(16.8) 0 4(7.7) 8(32.0) 11(34.4) <0.001

Results are expressed as mean ± standard deviation, Median (Inter Quartile Range), and number (percentage), Median (Inter Quartile Range), and number (percentage). MIV Maximum Infarct Volume, SP septum pellucidum.