Fig. 4.
Adgrf5 deficiency leads to perivenous abnormalities. a Involvement of Adgrf5 in the inner plexus formation. Superficial (left) and inner (middle left) vascular plexus in-between an artery and a vein from WT (upper) and Adgrf5 KO (lower) retina at P9 are shown. The endothelium is visualized by Cldn5-GFP reporter (green) and IB4 staining (gray). Complete 3D reconstruction of the same area is represented in depth coding with a top view (middle), and a vertical view below the vein (V) and an artery (A) is indicated (right panel). b Quantification of the number of extensions from the superficial to the inner vascular layer in WT and Adgrf5 KO under the arteries (top) and under the veins (bottom). c Role of EC-specific Adgrf5 in the inner plexus development. Superficial (left) and inner (middle left) vascular layer in-between an artery and a vein in the WT (upper) and Adgrf5 ECKO (lower) retina at P10 are shown. The endothelium is visualized by IB4 staining (gray). Adgrf5-depleted EC are marked by GFP (green). Complete 3D reconstruction of the area from WT and Adgrf5 ECKO is represented in depth coding with a top view (middle), and a vertical view below the vein (V) and an artery (A) is indicated (right panel). d Quantification of the EC protrusions from the superficial to the inner vascular layer in WT and Adgrf5 ECKO under the arteries (top) and under the veins (bottom). e Role of EC-specific Adgrf5 in the inner plexus development. Superficial (left) and inner (middle left) vascular layer in-between an artery and a vein in the WT (upper) and Adgrf5 ECGOF (lower) retina at P9 are shown. The endothelium is visualized by IB4 staining (gray). Complete 3D reconstruction of the area from WT and Adgrf5 ECGOF is represented in depth coding with a top view (middle), and a vertical view below the vein (V) and an artery (A) is indicated (right panel). f Quantification of the EC protrusions from the superficial to the inner vascular layer in WT and Adgrf5 ECGOF under the arteries (top) and under the veins (bottom)