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. 2019 Nov 4;27:104755. doi: 10.1016/j.dib.2019.104755

Specifications Table

Subject area Cardiac Arrest(CA)
More specific subject area Multimodal Neurological Prognostication in comatose patients after cardiac arrest (CA).
Type of data Quantitative data of index tests, figures and tables
How data was acquired Be-Plus Galileo for acquisition of EEG and SEP.
Data format Raw data, continuous and categorical variables
Experimental factors Electroencephalography (EEG) patterns classified according to the American Clinical Neurophysiology Society (ACNS) terminology; Somatosensory Evoked Potentials (SEPs) classified according to the cortical responses on both hemispheres; Grey Matter/White Matter (GM/WM) ratio density on Brain Computed Tomography (CT).
Experimental features Tests were performed within the first 24 hours after CA. The primary endpoint was neurological outcome at 6 months, measured using the Cerebral Performance Categories (CPC). Accuracy was measured using sensitivity, specificity and Receiving Operating Characteristic (ROC) curve where appropriate.
Data source location Italy (Florence, Modena, Empoli, Reggio Emilia, L'Aquila, Perugia, Genoa).
Data accessibility Summary data are available in this article. Excel data file is attached assupplementary material
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