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. 2019 Oct 30;54(Suppl 2):1409–1418. doi: 10.1111/1475-6773.13216

Table 1.

Characteristics of the study sample,by race/ethnicity

  Latinos (N = 803)a Non‐Hispanic Whites (N = 902)a P‐value for differenceb
Percent of respondentsc  
Male 50 48 .56
Female 50 52 .56
Age (y)
18‐29 28 18 <.01*
30‐49 42 30 <.01*
50‐64 20 29 <.01*
65+ 11 23 <.01*
No college degreed 85 66 <.01*
College degree or more 15 34 <.01*
Household income
<$25 000 39 23 <.01*
$25 000‐<$50 000 24 22 .41
$50,000‐<$75,000 8 11 .07
$75 000+ 17 35 <.01*
Don't know/refused 12 9 .10
Health insurance current status
Uninsured 22 9 <.01*
Insured, Medicaid primary source 11 6 <.01*
Insured, non‐Medicaid primary source 66 84 <.01*
Living in a neighborhood that is predominantly own race/ethnicitye 44 67 <.01*
Area of residence
Urban 22 17 .04*
Suburban 58 53 .10
Rural 12 25 <.01*
Don't know/refused 8 5 .25
US region of residencef
Northeast 13 18 <.05*
Midwest 8 25 <.01*
South 34 35 .78
West 37 18 <.01*
Don't know/refused 7 4 .05
Country of birth
Born in the United Statesg 49
Foreign‐born 51

Latino and non‐Hispanic white adults ages 18+.


The sample size shown reflects the total number of respondents in each category.


P‐value for difference is based on t tests.


Percent of US population estimated with survey weights to adjust for unequal probability of sampling, may not add up to 100% due to rounding.


Includes those with some college experience (including business, technical, or vocational school after high school) but no college degree, as well as those with a high school degree or GED certificate or less.


Question asked as: “People often describe some neighborhoods or areas as predominantly one group or another, such as a predominantly black or white neighborhood. Would you say that the area where you live is predominantly [Latino OR White], or not?”


Regions defined by US Census Bureau 4‐region definition.


Born in the United States includes those born in Puerto Rico. Question only asked of adults who identified as Latino/.


Statistically significant difference between Latinos and whites at P < .05.