Summary of clinical course in patient 2. Treatments before and after clinical DIHS flare are listed in the top panel. Doses of prednisone are shown as milligram per kilogram per day. Doses of tofacitinib are milligrams per day and methotrexate milligrams per week. Methylprednisolone was given at 1 g daily for 3 days. Middle panel shows DIHS activity/disease flares (blue spikes), but are not to scale. Lower panel shows the most relevant clinical data during DIHS flares, including ejection fraction (EF) during and after recovery from the flare, when possible. Green highlight signifies an abnormal value. Single asterisk signifies associated with wall motion abnormalities, double asterisk signifies trending upwards, and triple asterisk signifies associated with chest pain. ALT, alanine aminotransferase; AST, aspartate aminotransferase; CK, creatine kinase; CNS, central nervous system; Creat, creatinine; Eos, eosinophils; n/a, data not available; Trop, troponin.