Fig. 7.
Relative abundance of major bacterial phyla in the hindgut communities of cockroaches and termites from different feeding groups (w, wood; g/w, grass/wood). Phyla with a mean relative abundance < 0.7% are summarized as “Others”. Host species are Ergaula capucina (Ec), Byrsotria fumigata (Bf), Pycnoscelus surinamensis (Ps), Panesthia angustipennis (Pa), Salganea esakii (Se), Eublaberus posticus (Ep), Diploptera punctata (Dp), Opisthoplatia orientalis (Oo), Rhyparobia maderae (Rm), Elliptorhina chopardi (Elc), Shelfordella lateralis (Sl), Blatta orientalis (Bo), Symploce macroptera (Sm), Cryptocercus punctulatus (Cp), Odontotermes sp. (Odx), Macrotermes sp. (Max), Macrotermes subhyalinus (Ms), Alyscotermes trestus (At), Cubitermes ugandensis (Cu), Ophiotermes sp. (Opx), Microcerotermes sp. (Mix), Nasutitermes corniger (Nc), Trinervitermes sp. (Tx), Cornitermes sp. (Cx), Velocitermes sp. (Vx), Atlantitermes sp. (Ax), Neocapritermes sp. (Nx), and Termes hospes (Th). Data from this and previous studies [19, 27, 11]; for details, see Additional file 2: Table S1