Secondary PLS‐C interaction analysis. The results from the secondary PLS‐C analysis, illustrating LV5 and LV6. Left column displays the saliences of the 16 cognitive functions in purple bars. Cognitive test where a lower score is better were reversed for the PLS‐C analysis. Confidence intervals are marked with light‐blue lines in each bar. Confidence intervals that do not cross zero contribute reliably to the pattern. If a bar turns upward from zero, the cognitive function is positively correlated to the pattern of white matter saliences, and is negative correlated if turning downward. Below, the regions with significant interaction‐effect are projected on a standard brain derived from JHU WM‐atlas. In the left column, FA‐saliences of the 48 ROIs are displayed in gray bars and stacked for each group separately. Regions with interaction‐effect are highlighted in red for UHR‐individuals and in blue for HC. For identifying the labels of the 48 ROIs displayed by numbers (1–48), see Text S2. Abbreviations: FA, fractional anisotropy; HCs, healthy controls; JHU, John Hopkins University; LV, latent variable; ROI, region of interest; UHR, ultra‐high risk of psychosis; WM, white matter [Color figure can be viewed at]