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. 2019 Aug 20;40(18):5185–5201. doi: 10.1002/hbm.24765

Table 1.

Demographic and clinical characteristics

Variable UHR‐individuals (N = 116) Healthy controls (N = 49) p‐value
Percent/mean (SD) Percent/mean (SD)
Age mean (SD) 23.8 (4.2) 24.4 (3.4) .37
Gender (percent) .87
Male/female 47.4/52.6 44.9/55.1
Parental SES (percent) .35
Low 10.3 4.1
Medium 37.1 34.7
High 52.6 61.2
Ethnicity (percent) .35
High‐income countries 91.0 95.9
Low‐income countries 9.0 4.1
BMI mean (SD) 23.4 (4.7) 23.3 (3.2) .87
Handedness (percent) .50
Right 86.2 87.8
Left 13.8 12.2
SOFAS mean (SD) 55.1 (11.0) 89.0 (4.9) <.01
Alcohol consumption (last year) (percent) .02
Daily 1.8 4.1
Weekly 30.6 44.9
Monthly 38.7 46.9
Once/twice 15.3 4.1
Never 13.5 0.0
Tobacco smoking (last year) (percent) <.01
Daily 42.9 2.0
Weekly 5.4 8.2
Monthly 4.5 6.1
Once/twice 4.5 2.0
Never 42.9 81.6
Cannabis smoking (last year) (percent) .47
Daily 2.8 0.0
Weekly 4.6 4.3
Monthly 6.4 4.3
Once/twice 15.6 26.1
Never 70.6 65.2
Medication (percent)
Antipsychotic‐naive 57.8 100.0
All medication naive 26.7 100.0
Current antipsychotic 32.8 0.0
Current antidepressant 27.6 0.0
Current mood‐stabilizers 5.2 0.0
Current benzodiazepines 7.8 0.0
Diagnose of lifetime abuse 7.8 0.0
Diagnose of currenta abuse 0.9 0.0
Diagnose of lifetime dependency 9.5 0.0
Diagnose of currenta dependency 0.9 0.0
Medication naive and no substance abuse or dependency 24.1 100.0
CAARMS subgroups (percent)
APS 98.2 0.0
BLIPS 2.6 0.0
TS vulnerability 23.7 0.0
Diagnoses (percent)
Affective disorder 54.3 0.0
Anxiety disorder 46.6 0.0
Personality disorder 34.5 0.0
Other diagnoses 18.1 0.0
≥3 diagnoses 40.0 0.0

Note: Table 1 shows the demographic and clinical characteristics for UHR and HC.

Abbreviations: APS, attenuated psychotic symptoms; BLIPS, brief limited intermittent psychotic symptoms; BMI, body‐mass index; CAARMS, comprehensive assessment of at‐risk mental state; SD, standard deviation; SES, socioeconomic status; SOFAS, social and occupational function assessment scale; TS, trait and state; UHR, ultra‐high risk.


Current = the last month.

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