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. 2019 Nov 14;24(46):1900098. doi: 10.2807/1560-7917.ES.2019.24.46.1900098

Figure 2.

Evolution of the consumption of antibacterials for systemic use (ATC code J01) per trimester in acute care hospitals, Belgium, 2010–2016

ATC: Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical classification; DDD: defined daily doses; IQR: interquartile range.

T1: trimester 1, January-March; T2: trimester 2, April-June; T3: trimester 3, July-September; T4: trimester 4, October-December.

Legend boxplot: the upper whisker indicates the maximum value (that is not an outlier, 1.5xIQR); the top of the box indicates the 75th percentile (P75); the middle line of the box indicates the median; the diamond indicates the mean; the bottom of the box indicates the 25th percentile (P25); and the bottom whisker indicates the minimum value (that is not an outlier, 1.5xIQR).

Figure 2